The journey home from Hawaii was an arduous one! The details aren't necessary, but upon Mary's return she was beat beyond reason! Her own bed and rest didn't seem to improve the situation and at weeks end she felt a medical assessment was in order. You would think this would be an easy issue to manage but after not getting the answers and help she needed from her primary care a trip to the hospital was the only other option! That is how bad she was feeling! They admitted her as her potassium levels were dangerously low and she was dehydrated. After two nights in the hospital she came home on Sunday and is working on increasing her strength. She was due to have chemo this morning but given her weekend hospital stay her Dr. wants to give her a week of eating, drinking and potassium building! Hopefully chemo can resume next Monday.
Please give renewed vigor to your prayer ritual! Mary really needs them! I pray that her body gets the nutrients, water and potassium it needs so she can have some independence to continue with that bucket list. Any and all prayers please!!!!!!
(Tom's wife)
So good to have an update. Have been worrying about Mary since not hearing from her. Thoughts and prayers coming her way! Hang in there, Mary! Get well. You have more things to do!!!