Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy Day!

Day started out slow, but around noon I got a call from Joe and Chris Sedesky, and they were checking to see if I was home, and they wanted to stop by with some nourishment,  is what they said.  They were at the door soon, with several six packs of Ensure for me along with a couple of cans of soup.  Chris asked what kind I would like, and I picked one, and she started making it, and tried to open the wrong drawer and we called Joe in to fix the drawer that was falling apart   He did get it fixed, and hopefully it will last.  He may come back with a piece of wood to brace the runners.
As Joe was working on the drawer, Annie walked in to both of their surprises, Annie's and Sedesky's.
Annie went right to the basement and through in a load of wash.  She continued to wash clothes and visiting with Joe and Chris.  They left before she was done, but she got three loads of wash done and folded, I told her not to put them away, as a lot of what she washed I needed to take to Hawaii with me.  I worked on the packing after she left, and finding some things I wanted to take with me, but couldn't find. I didn't get it done yet, but Annie brought up the suitcase for me, and I have everything gathered I think.
Jimbo emailed that Jack would bring his ipad over for me to buy, by Tuesday.  He also may be taking me to the airport on Thursday, but won't know till tomorrow.
I have to be at the clinic tomorrow morning at 7:45, so Annie volunteered to take me before she goes to school.  I told her I would be ready by 7 a.m. so she could get to school on time.  Because I have to get up and start moving at 6 a.m., I'm cutting this short tonight, and will go to bed when the news is done.
Please keep your prayers coming for my cousin Louie and for safe travels for Judy, June, Lenard and me.  Love and Prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful, warm, fun, safe trip to Hawaii!!
