Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ugly Day, and Happy Day

Yesterday I was so sick, I wasn't up to writing, but today I woke up and everything was better.  I was dehydrated, had protein in my urine, felt like vomiting, stomach was distended, headache, and later in the afternoon when I woke up after chemo my teeth hurt from clenching them. They wouldn't give me the Avastin with my chemo today because of the protein in my urine, and were supposed to do a urine test to see if I had a urinary tract infection. But when I called today to check on it, they said they didn't have enough urine to find out.  So I have to give them more tomorrow when I go to get unplugged.  Then they will check it, and give me a prescription for an antibiotic and fill it there.  So I hope that gets done before I leave for Hawaii on Thursday.  I don't want to be sick over there.
Judy and I did pretty well once they started putting the fluids in me and giving me the chemo, so we played cribbage all morning, and I lost every game.  I couldn't believe my luck....atleast I didn't get skunked even once.  But for some reason at 12:45 when we got in the car to find someplace for lunch, I immediately got sick again, and told Judy to just bring me home.  I got home and she needed to use my computer, so I laid down to nap, and never even heard her leave.  I woke up around 5 p.m. and got up and took my 4 p.m. pills, and then drank an ensure, and went back to the couch to sleep, and then the kids started calling and checking on me, as Annie had alerted them that I wasn't doing well, and Annie asked if she should come and stay with me, and she did stay all night, and went to school from here.  Karen suggested I start drinking water, which Annie assured I did, and I believe that it was the "Water of Life", that and all their prayers gave me new life this morning..
Today was a good day.  I packed my suitcase, and have everything ready for my carry-on except my pills which I will refill tomorrow, and take all my pills with me, as I only have one week pill boxes, and I have one for day and night, and the other one for the 4 p.m. pills.
I plan on buying some ensure, water, and some other personal products once I get there as I can't bring them all on the plane or not enough to last me two weeks.
Napped for awhile this afternoon, then showered and dressed to go to card club this evening, and in between time, Jimbo brought over Jack's Ipad that I purchased from him.  I have most everything sync'd with it except my pictures, and I can't figure out how to do that yet.  My music and a few books are on it, Facebook, my email, and some other things.
Say some prayers for me, so I stay well for my trip, and please pray for my cousin Louie who is having problems with his blood pressure regulating.  It goes high and then low and spikes high again and the doctor hasn't been able to stabilize it.  I'm ready for bed.  Hopefully tomorrow night I will write from my Ipad.  Love and Prayers, m

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