....the Lord Has Made. Wow what a beautiful day.....and now I have to leave and go to Florida! It better be as nice there. I looked at the 10 day forecast and it looks good there too! So I have high hopes of the Sun Shining on me everyday.
Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the First Friday group of women I dine with monthly, were meeting at Good Earth near Rosedale. I had nothing keeping me from joining them and was so pleased as the last two months I was unable to join in the dining and conversation of a great group of women. I worked with all of them at St. Tim's years ago (a lot of years ago) and we started by having dinner on the First Friday of the month so we donned that name.....but as you note....yesterday was a Monday....we no longer meet on Friday much less the first one of each month.
I ran errands early in the day and then left home at 5 p.m. heading for Rosedale thinking I would be able to find Good Earth without a problem....WRONG. I drove all around Rosedale which is no easy task in itself. Then I parked and picked up my Blackberry and tried to find it online....but Google wasn't working....so I had to turn it off and reboot it. But then a young man pulled up and I opened the window and asked him if he knew where Good Earth was, but he didn't. He pulled out his Iphone, and finally found it, and showed me on a map that it was on Hwy 36 and it the quick glance looked like it was kiddy corner across from Rosedale....I'm thinking near Snelling and 36 area.....so I drive over there....and end up on 36 and Hamlin on the North side of the highway to no avail....so I find another place to park and pull out the Blackberry again, and this time I find Good Earth and I actually call them and ask them how to get there. The women told me to go back west on 36 to Fairview and then go to the Frontage Rd.....well from Hamlin and 36 you can't get back on 36 going west....so I went back to Cty Rd B2 and took that back across to Fairview and then headed to the Frontage Rd and took that all the way back to Snelling again to no avail. So I then finally decided that it must be on the other side of 36 and drove back to Fairview and headed to the other side of the highway and finally found them....it was no 5:55. The group had given up on me and finally ordered and got their food shortly after I arrived.....but I did have a great meal and great conversation as usual with that group. The hunt and frustration was well worth the end.
I returned home and finished readying myself for the trip....talking to Annie about the meeting spot and seating arrangements and luggage etc. They will take all the checked luggage and bring it directly to my room at Disney....how great is that. I won't have to lug it from baggage pickup to the shuttle bus and then up to my room.....how great it that?! To me that is priceless! Now if they would do that on the return it would be even better. But then this voice tells me "Don't push it pig!"
My health was great yesterday and I'm great again today, and I'm sure I will be great tomorrow. Thank you for all those prayers, and I'll try and update you during the next week on how great I am then too! Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Oh What a Beautiful Morning
The sun is shining and they are predicting warm and sunny all week. I'm sure Florida will be just as nice. One more sleep!
Yesterday was a day of problems with Constance, and I can't really explain why, but I was just sitting watching TV and playing Spider on the computer and I just sprung a leak...then during the nite 4:30 a.m. I was laying on my back and my hand noticed a wet spot on my pj's and sure enough another leak in almost the same spot as yesterday afternoon. I have two different style bags, and I was wearing the one I thought was the best both times (changing my thoughts on that a little). I really can't figure out why. I may have rolled onto it while sleeping, but I don't think I did. It may be I didn't do a good job of putting it on in the first place. We'll see if this one stays 3 days like it is supposed to. We can only hope. I was looking forward to Constance behaving this week in Florida...I may have to change my statement of yesterday regarding suffering! Just kidding!!!
I will not be taking my computer to Florida with me, however, Jimbo and Doug will both have theirs, and I do have my Blackberry so I can read email and respond. I will try and keep you all updated as the week goes on, but don't promise a morning update....I may switch to evenings, and may not make it each evening. But I will do my best. Fair warning. Love and prayers, m
Yesterday was a day of problems with Constance, and I can't really explain why, but I was just sitting watching TV and playing Spider on the computer and I just sprung a leak...then during the nite 4:30 a.m. I was laying on my back and my hand noticed a wet spot on my pj's and sure enough another leak in almost the same spot as yesterday afternoon. I have two different style bags, and I was wearing the one I thought was the best both times (changing my thoughts on that a little). I really can't figure out why. I may have rolled onto it while sleeping, but I don't think I did. It may be I didn't do a good job of putting it on in the first place. We'll see if this one stays 3 days like it is supposed to. We can only hope. I was looking forward to Constance behaving this week in Florida...I may have to change my statement of yesterday regarding suffering! Just kidding!!!
I will not be taking my computer to Florida with me, however, Jimbo and Doug will both have theirs, and I do have my Blackberry so I can read email and respond. I will try and keep you all updated as the week goes on, but don't promise a morning update....I may switch to evenings, and may not make it each evening. But I will do my best. Fair warning. Love and prayers, m
Sunday, March 28, 2010
You Are My Sunshine!
Good Morning, I forgot to mention yesterday that it was my mom's birthday! and it was a Happy Day! I got on the scale this morning, and I am back to 140, the first time in over 2 1/2 months. Whoohoo!! I'm sure I will be in great shape for Florida. Only complaint is the partly cloudy 10 day forcast for Disney.....but it will be in the upper 70's and low 80's.....so I guess it will be more sun than clouds.
Last nite I went to a performance of "There Stands the Cross" at a local church, and was so impressed with the music and voices they have. Between that and the sermon this morning, of Jesus asking us to join in his suffering, made me ponder the last few months, and I guess in January I might have thought of this as suffering, but today, I look back and it's just kind of a bump in the road of life. The colostomy is an inconvenience but definitely not suffering...all your prayers have bestowed so many blessings on me I could hardly consider it suffering. So hopefully even though I don't now consider it as suffering, I am joining in it with Jesus, and walking in the journey of faith. Love and prayers, m
Last nite I went to a performance of "There Stands the Cross" at a local church, and was so impressed with the music and voices they have. Between that and the sermon this morning, of Jesus asking us to join in his suffering, made me ponder the last few months, and I guess in January I might have thought of this as suffering, but today, I look back and it's just kind of a bump in the road of life. The colostomy is an inconvenience but definitely not suffering...all your prayers have bestowed so many blessings on me I could hardly consider it suffering. So hopefully even though I don't now consider it as suffering, I am joining in it with Jesus, and walking in the journey of faith. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Three Days to Florida
I can't believe they are predicting 70s in MN as soon as I leave for 70s in Florida. What's up with that? I think God wants you to enjoy the Sunshine too! I wonder if all your prayers for sunshine for me, have led to the first ever March without a drop of snow....and one of the warmest March's in history? Thank you God for blessing me and all my spot removers.
I had an accident with Constance during the nite....some how I rolled onto my stomach and blew the seal on her. I was supposed to change it this morning anyway, so that wasn't so bad. But I will make another note to self: No sleeping on your stomach. I may not be fat, but 138 lbs of weight on a plastic bag will pop it. Kinda like sitting on a balloon. I'd win every time.
My sinus's still seam to be running, but my head dosn't hurt and my eyes are not watering, so I think the antibiotics are doing their job, and I've warded off the diarrhea most of the week. Didn't gain anything yesterday, but I did hold at 138.6. So I continue to eat and grow stronger each day. Love and blessings for all, m
I had an accident with Constance during the nite....some how I rolled onto my stomach and blew the seal on her. I was supposed to change it this morning anyway, so that wasn't so bad. But I will make another note to self: No sleeping on your stomach. I may not be fat, but 138 lbs of weight on a plastic bag will pop it. Kinda like sitting on a balloon. I'd win every time.
My sinus's still seam to be running, but my head dosn't hurt and my eyes are not watering, so I think the antibiotics are doing their job, and I've warded off the diarrhea most of the week. Didn't gain anything yesterday, but I did hold at 138.6. So I continue to eat and grow stronger each day. Love and blessings for all, m
Friday, March 26, 2010
Chilly Start to a Nice Day
I know you won't believe that I was up, showered and dressed by 8:30 this morning, and am just getting around to my blog at 11....but it's true. Jimbo came and we went over plans we each had drawn up for an addition to the cabin. Exciting to talk about...but will be even more exciting when it actually happens. Long way to go before that, but so fun to dream!
I am feeling so much better each day, and I'm gaining back my weight so am sure Florida will be a great get-a-way. My sinus's are still dripping, but that is improving too....I will be getting a mask to wear on the plane and in the airport. I may look silly, but in the long run I don't want to take any chances of getting sick again. I also got 50 spf lotion to wear, as one of the chemo drugs makes me sensitive to the sun....how ironic is that? The sun makes me feel so good.....I want to soak up as much as possible. So I'm almost all packed and I still have 4 days to wait. Do I sound excited? I am, 7 out of 11 grandkids will be with me at DisneyWorld....How Lucky am I? m
I am feeling so much better each day, and I'm gaining back my weight so am sure Florida will be a great get-a-way. My sinus's are still dripping, but that is improving too....I will be getting a mask to wear on the plane and in the airport. I may look silly, but in the long run I don't want to take any chances of getting sick again. I also got 50 spf lotion to wear, as one of the chemo drugs makes me sensitive to the sun....how ironic is that? The sun makes me feel so good.....I want to soak up as much as possible. So I'm almost all packed and I still have 4 days to wait. Do I sound excited? I am, 7 out of 11 grandkids will be with me at DisneyWorld....How Lucky am I? m
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Oh What a Beautiful Morning
Seems I'm on the road to recovery, gained another couple of pounds and I am only down 1 pound from where I started on round 3 of the chemo. Eating non-stop will do that to you. My eyes are clearing back to whites instead of reds, and I feel pretty good. Have lots of energy, and am working on the packing thing and putting together my "Chances Are" donation to the annual North Suburban Women's Club Brunch (April 17). Need to do a little more shopping for that today, and then some groceries and I will have completed my "To Do" list for the day.
The sun is shining.....even though it's not that warm today, I don't mind the cold if the sun is shining. I can feel your prayers working! m
The sun is shining.....even though it's not that warm today, I don't mind the cold if the sun is shining. I can feel your prayers working! m
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
On the Mend!
One day of gigantic horse pills (see picture...that is an aspirin so you can see how big it is.) and I am feeling better....my eye is still pink, but not the watering red mess it was yesterday. It almost looks normal, my sinus ran all day yesterday, but seems like less pressure today....still running though. I did manage to gain about 3 pounds sitting on the couch and eating all day! So some good came of the day for sure!! The chicken and dumplings I made for dinner helped too!
The person I wanted kicked off Biggest Loser since day one finally got the boot, so Janet and I were both happy about that....adding to the good for the day.
Today I may venture out and do some shopping, and work on the packing again....yesterday, I added and subtracted several things, weeding out what I didn't think I'd need or actually wear, and checking the weather report for Orlando....looks like 70's for sure. I can't wait for that warm sun...heating my solar panels and removing all those spots. Love, m
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Antibiotics to the Rescue!
As the day progressed, the sinus thing progressed, as well, so I waved the white flag and called the doctor for help!! It was almost 5 p.m. before they called back and told me they were going to give me a prescription for antibiotics....so too late to pick up till morning. By the time I went to bed last nite my eye had also become inflamed and watering, so I was glad I made the decision to call the doctor when I did. I went right away this morning and picked up the prescription along with some eye drops, so hopefully I'll now be on the mend....and will be well and strong for Florida...I leave in one week. Funny thing the pharmacist told me that the drug needed to be taken with food, and could cause diarrhea, I told him, that I was already dealing with that with my chemo, so I knew what to do. Like I needed anything else to cause diarrhea. I guess I'll just up the doses of the Imodium....so I'm not chasing it.
No big plans for the day....I guess I'll just take care of myself and eat as often as needed to put some pounds back on this body. I am up almost 2 pound from the low of this round of chemo, so it is going back up. Highlight of the day will be watching "The Biggest Loser" and calling Janet during commercials and discussing who we think is going to be kicked off this week. Strange to be watching the Biggest Loser and trying to gain weight at the same time.....I guess I can also find something to eat during the commercials! m
No big plans for the day....I guess I'll just take care of myself and eat as often as needed to put some pounds back on this body. I am up almost 2 pound from the low of this round of chemo, so it is going back up. Highlight of the day will be watching "The Biggest Loser" and calling Janet during commercials and discussing who we think is going to be kicked off this week. Strange to be watching the Biggest Loser and trying to gain weight at the same time.....I guess I can also find something to eat during the commercials! m
Monday, March 22, 2010
One Step Forward.....Two Back!
I guess I spoke too soon, when I said that Constance (my appendage hanging from my side) was becoming a friend.....wrong! I suppose it was the jelly beans I ate that caused the diarrhea and the excess gas....(sugar does that to me)...but I had problems emptying the pouch twice, and had to change clothes, then later in the afternoon, somehow blew the seal of it (too much gas)....and had to again change the pouch completely...so much for bragging about not doing that for two weeks.
As the day went on I began to feel the sinus thing coming on, and worked hard to combat that....Janet suggested honey and Cinnamon in hot water....so I drank a big cup of that, ate a few vitamin C hard candy as well as some Halls cough drops, and even took a few Eccanasia tablets before bed. But I do feel somewhat better this morning, and my Constance hung on all nite. I suppose that is what I get for bragging!!! I'll try to keep that in tow.
Today I have big plans....my hair needs cut and coloring before I go to Florida....so that is first on my list....then I have lunch and dinner plans with friends from the college....the retiree and wannabees group. The sun is shining so I'm hoping it will give me strength and it will be a Happy Day! m
As the day went on I began to feel the sinus thing coming on, and worked hard to combat that....Janet suggested honey and Cinnamon in hot water....so I drank a big cup of that, ate a few vitamin C hard candy as well as some Halls cough drops, and even took a few Eccanasia tablets before bed. But I do feel somewhat better this morning, and my Constance hung on all nite. I suppose that is what I get for bragging!!! I'll try to keep that in tow.
Today I have big plans....my hair needs cut and coloring before I go to Florida....so that is first on my list....then I have lunch and dinner plans with friends from the college....the retiree and wannabees group. The sun is shining so I'm hoping it will give me strength and it will be a Happy Day! m
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Busy Sunday Morning
Sorry, I'm so late in updating today....busy...busy....day!! Started by picking up my friend Carol Kline for church.....I hadn't seen her since January, and was happy to have the company for Mass and breakfast after. Love having breakfast with the Buhrs as well, and had great conversation. Then I had my Lenten study group, and continued the great conversations with that group. I am so blessed to have such great friends who share my love for God and support me in my spot removal project.
I didn't even crash a little this time....I'd think it would have gotten worse each time as the chemo accummulated in my system, but not so....I seemed to handle it better each time....but maybe that is because of the gaining of weight and having more strength to fight it with.
I changed by pouch (Constance) this morning, and I am entirely healed round my stoma, so I shouldn't have any problems with it sealing, or not sealing....keeping the bag emptied is my only challenge now....not a problem usually, but when I tend to wait to long inbetween and gas builds up....that's when I have a big problem....just have to not wait quite so long.....lesson to myself!!! So all is well on the home front....my mind is starting to wander toward thoughts of sun and the sea of Florida. Started packing yesterday. Love and prayers, m
I didn't even crash a little this time....I'd think it would have gotten worse each time as the chemo accummulated in my system, but not so....I seemed to handle it better each time....but maybe that is because of the gaining of weight and having more strength to fight it with.
I changed by pouch (Constance) this morning, and I am entirely healed round my stoma, so I shouldn't have any problems with it sealing, or not sealing....keeping the bag emptied is my only challenge now....not a problem usually, but when I tend to wait to long inbetween and gas builds up....that's when I have a big problem....just have to not wait quite so long.....lesson to myself!!! So all is well on the home front....my mind is starting to wander toward thoughts of sun and the sea of Florida. Started packing yesterday. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Welcome Back Sunshine
It may be freezing out, but we say goodbye to winter today, and the Sun is shinning....so all is good! I slept so good last night, and feeling strong this morning.
God to watch Matthew yesterday afternoon, but he was so tired from all week with Presley, that he slept the whole three hours he was here. He'll be back this afternoon and I'm sure we can play trains then.
Got a wonderful card full of Sunshine from the Hauge family...in the snail mail, and got a long email from Karen on the computer, along with a call from Loretta (mom) this week, so I know that is why my chemo went so well.....with family like this....how can I lose....Of course I have to fear the wrath of Loretta kicking my butt if I don't get well.
On to packing for Florida mood, and gaining back my weight once again....I think I got back 2 pounds last nite.....it seems that even with out diahrrea I seem to drop about 5 pounds during those few days of treatment, and then have to crawl back up, but each round I have crawled back and added a few. So hopefully I will be back to my original weight by the time I go to Florida. The bowl of jelly beans, along with some hearty food should help.
Love and prayers, m
God to watch Matthew yesterday afternoon, but he was so tired from all week with Presley, that he slept the whole three hours he was here. He'll be back this afternoon and I'm sure we can play trains then.
Got a wonderful card full of Sunshine from the Hauge family...in the snail mail, and got a long email from Karen on the computer, along with a call from Loretta (mom) this week, so I know that is why my chemo went so well.....with family like this....how can I lose....Of course I have to fear the wrath of Loretta kicking my butt if I don't get well.
On to packing for Florida mood, and gaining back my weight once again....I think I got back 2 pounds last nite.....it seems that even with out diahrrea I seem to drop about 5 pounds during those few days of treatment, and then have to crawl back up, but each round I have crawled back and added a few. So hopefully I will be back to my original weight by the time I go to Florida. The bowl of jelly beans, along with some hearty food should help.
Love and prayers, m
Friday, March 19, 2010
Cloudy, Cloudy Day and Cold
Spring must have sprung back to winter this morning. BRRRRR!!! I didn't sleep well last nite, but I did plan the remodeling of the cabin, new roof line and entry way etc. Got lots done while lying there.
I'm not doing good in the weight department either....haven't had diarrhea all week, but still the weight falls during the chemo....hopefully I will jump back up next week, like I have the others.
Tom and Presley leave this morning, so that is sad....and I'm off to a funeral....even sadder. Not a good way to start my day. Hopefully I won't crash this evening....that would top it off.
I'll really miss my craft buddy. Had a lot of fun this week, between Presley and Matthew....also got a lot of stuff of the kids moved out of the house....I might be baseball card free, coin free, and stamp free. Can't believe it. Love and prayers, m
I'm not doing good in the weight department either....haven't had diarrhea all week, but still the weight falls during the chemo....hopefully I will jump back up next week, like I have the others.
Tom and Presley leave this morning, so that is sad....and I'm off to a funeral....even sadder. Not a good way to start my day. Hopefully I won't crash this evening....that would top it off.
I'll really miss my craft buddy. Had a lot of fun this week, between Presley and Matthew....also got a lot of stuff of the kids moved out of the house....I might be baseball card free, coin free, and stamp free. Can't believe it. Love and prayers, m
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Good Morning Sunshine!
The sun is shining today and I'm feeling super!! I changed my pouch "Constance" this morning, she was true to form and kept spewing while trying to get the new bag on, but not a problem, I'm almost 100% healed around the stoma, and had no blood showing at all....so that is fantastic, I'm on my way!!! Me and Constance are becoming friends.
On my way to the MOA with son Tom and two grandkids, Matthew and Presley....should be a good time....Tom just returned from Nelson Park with them, and now we are off.
Hope to add some pictures later in the day! m
On my way to the MOA with son Tom and two grandkids, Matthew and Presley....should be a good time....Tom just returned from Nelson Park with them, and now we are off.
Hope to add some pictures later in the day! m
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Day three, Round three....YIPPEE!!!!
I get unplugged at 11 a.m. this morning, and I am going through this round with almost no side effects (well I'm on enough anti-nausea pills, anti diarrhea pills and have plenty of sunshine to void off any bad effects) I am eating and drinking my 2 quarts of water, and I have had no blow-outs of my pouch (Constance) for almost 2 weeks now. The skin around it is almost all healed...maybe 90%. So I think I am definitely on a healing path. You all are doing a good job of getting me there.
Yesterday Presley and I did crafts all afternoon, making Easter cards, some of you may be lucky enough to get one....but I think we only have ten sort of usable ones. But we had fun anyway. Tom and I are still working on the coins and have started looking at the stamps. Didn't find a pot of gold, but we did find a handful of Irish coins and a couple Irish paper money....I'm sending that home with him to his Irish kids. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all those who have a little Irish in them....I only have grand kids with Irish....All German and Austrian/Hungarian in me.
Had a quiet evening, as Tom met a friend for dinner and Presley went to Matthews house to play. But I did get a call from Aunt Loretta, and she is again threatening to kick my butt! I told her she didn't have to cause I was doing really well.
Thank you all for those thoughts and prayers and all that sunshine directed at me.
Love and prayers, m
Pictures of me and Presley all dressed up for St. Patricks Day.

Yesterday Presley and I did crafts all afternoon, making Easter cards, some of you may be lucky enough to get one....but I think we only have ten sort of usable ones. But we had fun anyway. Tom and I are still working on the coins and have started looking at the stamps. Didn't find a pot of gold, but we did find a handful of Irish coins and a couple Irish paper money....I'm sending that home with him to his Irish kids. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all those who have a little Irish in them....I only have grand kids with Irish....All German and Austrian/Hungarian in me.
Had a quiet evening, as Tom met a friend for dinner and Presley went to Matthews house to play. But I did get a call from Aunt Loretta, and she is again threatening to kick my butt! I told her she didn't have to cause I was doing really well.
Thank you all for those thoughts and prayers and all that sunshine directed at me.
Love and prayers, m
Pictures of me and Presley all dressed up for St. Patricks Day.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Day two, Round Three
After two beautiful days of sun....it seems to be drizzling this morning, but the weather man said the sun may be back after noon.....we can only hope! I know I'm greedy when it comes to sunny days.....but they make me feel so good. Of course Tom and Presley brought their Sunny faces on Sunday nite, and escorted me to chemo yesterday. Presley continues to entertain me, and make the time go by so much faster. Yesterday Tom and I dug out the coin collection that Gene bought from Grandpa, and we searched ebay to find out what kind of value we had on our hands, and by the time I went to bed last nite, Tom had the magnifying glass and a coffee can of wheat pennys and he was searching through to make sure grandpa and Gene didn't miss anything good....he reported he found a steel penny in the can, but nothing else of value other than being a wheat penny which I think are worth 2 cents. But all in all I think we do have some good stuff and plan on selling it for the cabin fund.
We were able to skype Chicago twice yesterday and Presley loved this....she told her brother, sister and mom how much she missed them, but she wasn't coming home for a bunch of days. I'm sure the feeling was mutual for them missing Presley and Tom as well.
Matthew spent the afternoon playing with Presley, and the new train tracks she and William gave to him. The whole living room was set up with tracks going everywhere. They had much fun playing together, and decided they were each others favorite cousin. I think Presley gets to play at Matthews this evening.
Annie spent the evening of her birthday with Tom and I, and had a fancy dinner for one at the drive threw at MacDonalds....yum.yum. Then she dragged Matthew home so she could see her husband and Nicole and Allie. Hope she had a happy day despite the restraints of work and family. I love her!!!
Well, I guess you want to know how I'm doing, and I am just fine....one comment on facebook was that I was one tough lady....I guess I am. Chemo doesn't get me down. Just rain! So keep those sunny prayers coming my way. Love and prayers, m
We were able to skype Chicago twice yesterday and Presley loved this....she told her brother, sister and mom how much she missed them, but she wasn't coming home for a bunch of days. I'm sure the feeling was mutual for them missing Presley and Tom as well.
Matthew spent the afternoon playing with Presley, and the new train tracks she and William gave to him. The whole living room was set up with tracks going everywhere. They had much fun playing together, and decided they were each others favorite cousin. I think Presley gets to play at Matthews this evening.
Annie spent the evening of her birthday with Tom and I, and had a fancy dinner for one at the drive threw at MacDonalds....yum.yum. Then she dragged Matthew home so she could see her husband and Nicole and Allie. Hope she had a happy day despite the restraints of work and family. I love her!!!
Well, I guess you want to know how I'm doing, and I am just fine....one comment on facebook was that I was one tough lady....I guess I am. Chemo doesn't get me down. Just rain! So keep those sunny prayers coming my way. Love and prayers, m
Monday, March 15, 2010
Round 3 day 1
Good Morning, well I guess it is afternoon, still at the HHH Cancer Center having the beginning of the chemo pumped in. I sent Tom and Presley for Subway for lunch, and they just returned. Should be here another hour and then I'll be home for the next 46 hours, after that,having it pumped into me. Everything is going well...feeling good and the sun is shinning. Love and prayers, m
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Sun and the Son are shinning!
I was sitting here after church, trying to decide what title to put on this posting, and the Sun started to shine.....I haven't seen it in days, but it gave me an immediate boost! I'm smiling!!! I didn't have to imagine it.
I'm feeling really good now, and am ready for an amazing day....first Lenten Study Group at 1 p.m......we have such an amazing group and this year the topic is prayer....right up my alley. Then at about 5 p.m. Tom and Presley (3 yr. old granddaughter) arrive from Chicago....I'm so excited....I get to play with Pres all week. Then we head to Katie's birthday party (14 yr. old granddaughter) her birthday was on the second, but they are celebrating with the family this afternoon. Then when we finish celebrating for Katie, Annie gets to celebrate too, as her birthday is tomorrow. We plan on skyping those Chicago family that didn't get to come up with Tom and Presley, so at least they can see the rest of us, and join in on singing Happy Birthday to Annie and Katie.
Tomorrow I start round 3 of Chemo, and then I don't have to do round 4 till I come back from Florida, so after Wednesday when they unplug me, I'll be in the packing and getting ready for Florida mode. I've done Easter in Boston with the family...in the first Catholic Church built there....I wonder what we will find in Florida.
Hope you all have a great day, Love and prayers, m
I'm feeling really good now, and am ready for an amazing day....first Lenten Study Group at 1 p.m......we have such an amazing group and this year the topic is prayer....right up my alley. Then at about 5 p.m. Tom and Presley (3 yr. old granddaughter) arrive from Chicago....I'm so excited....I get to play with Pres all week. Then we head to Katie's birthday party (14 yr. old granddaughter) her birthday was on the second, but they are celebrating with the family this afternoon. Then when we finish celebrating for Katie, Annie gets to celebrate too, as her birthday is tomorrow. We plan on skyping those Chicago family that didn't get to come up with Tom and Presley, so at least they can see the rest of us, and join in on singing Happy Birthday to Annie and Katie.
Tomorrow I start round 3 of Chemo, and then I don't have to do round 4 till I come back from Florida, so after Wednesday when they unplug me, I'll be in the packing and getting ready for Florida mode. I've done Easter in Boston with the family...in the first Catholic Church built there....I wonder what we will find in Florida.
Hope you all have a great day, Love and prayers, m
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Renewing Friendships
Every evening I await the notice in my mailbox of caringbridge updates. I read two sites, one written by my cousin Judy on the long progress back to health of her husband Frank Vermuellen, which I know many of you also read. The other is that of my cousin on my dad's side of the family, Louie Grams. Louie is the son of my dad's sister Loni and her husband Pat Grams. As I was growing up, I had lots of contact with Louie (then Little Pat) all the way through high school....but then marriage and family dwindled it to Christmas letters and funerals...and he has also moved to Colorado Springs, Co. This year when I received their Christmas letter, it contained his email address and the link to his caringbridge site. I didn't start reading it immediately, but I did email him, and immediately got a response back...like within an hour. We continued to renew our friendship, and I at some point decided to check out his caringbridge site (louieg) and now look forward to reading it each evening. Yesterday, I decided to send Louie some pictures of his parents and grandparents, and one of my dad and his mom. Things I thought he might enjoy seeing, that had been stuck in an old photo album for no one to see and love. I also told Louie of my blog, and how we had so many things in common. Our "specialness", how we have experiences in medicine the opposite of most. That we were both considered miracles to our family and friends. I shared with him a little background in my health and my faith that God was with me, and I experienced it in the love and prayers of my family and friends. So last night in reading his diary, I found myself the topic of it, and he invited all his readers to join in the prayers for me, and ended his writing with the following paragraph:
"My cousin, Mary, and I were reflecting today on the fact that experiencing God's healing power even multiple times in our lives does not mean that we will not experience more sickness or pain, but it does give us confidence and faith in dealing with sickness and pain that could not come any other way. It is not so hard to go through hard things when you know the Lord is there and you experience his presence and care through so many good people."
So even though the clouds are still in the sky, the sun is shining on me.
Last night I helped celebrate Wendy Culley's 40th and I think I got a hug from everyone there that I knew....and that was a lot! Just another reinforcement of that sunshine. So all in all it was a great day! Love and prayers, m
"My cousin, Mary, and I were reflecting today on the fact that experiencing God's healing power even multiple times in our lives does not mean that we will not experience more sickness or pain, but it does give us confidence and faith in dealing with sickness and pain that could not come any other way. It is not so hard to go through hard things when you know the Lord is there and you experience his presence and care through so many good people."
So even though the clouds are still in the sky, the sun is shining on me.
Last night I helped celebrate Wendy Culley's 40th and I think I got a hug from everyone there that I knew....and that was a lot! Just another reinforcement of that sunshine. So all in all it was a great day! Love and prayers, m
Friday, March 12, 2010
The Son is Shining
First thing I did this morning was to get on the scale.....yippeeeee....I'm two pounds up from my round 2 start day. So slowly but surely I am getting back to my normal weight....only five pounds to go!!!
I have some shopping planned for the day....some photo scanning...some of my dads old photos...a shower...and a few other fun things. The Son is shining on me....even though it is still grey outside, your prayers continue to bless me. Love, m
I have some shopping planned for the day....some photo scanning...some of my dads old photos...a shower...and a few other fun things. The Son is shining on me....even though it is still grey outside, your prayers continue to bless me. Love, m
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thunder and Pouring Rain
I think I must have SAD, it's grey and it actually thundered and poured rain this morning, I'm still in my pjs and doing nothing. I have to get dressed for a lunch date, thank goodness, or I'd be in my jamies all day. Some one suggested I sing, but the only song that came to mind was "Rain, Rain, go away, Come again another day".
Maybe getting out of the house will help....I know some great conversation and laughs will help. I strongly dislike rainy days!! (I'm getting in practice for next week when my son and granddaughter Presley will be with me for chemo round 3) Can't use the word "hate" in their house, but strongly dislike isn't enough....maybe very strongly dislike will work better. I know that just having them here, even if the sun isn't shining outside, will make it shine in my house!! Presley will keep me smiling all week. Sorry Tom, you will too!
So I'm off to get dressed and turn this day around. Love and prayers, m
Maybe getting out of the house will help....I know some great conversation and laughs will help. I strongly dislike rainy days!! (I'm getting in practice for next week when my son and granddaughter Presley will be with me for chemo round 3) Can't use the word "hate" in their house, but strongly dislike isn't enough....maybe very strongly dislike will work better. I know that just having them here, even if the sun isn't shining outside, will make it shine in my house!! Presley will keep me smiling all week. Sorry Tom, you will too!
So I'm off to get dressed and turn this day around. Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Rain, rain go away!
Sorry I'm so slow in updating the blog today, I actually have been up and busy since 7 a.m. I had a great night sleep, probably due to the lack of the night before. I had a meeting with a financial advisor set up for 8:30 a.m., so I had to shower and dress almost immediately, then ate my oatmeal and drank some coffee.
Had a good meeting, and then went on to doing some computer projects and all of a sudden it was noon and time to eat and then I came back to the computer and it dawned on me that I hadn't updated my blog yet.
Yesterday I was contacted by a man working on his wife's genealogy, and has a connection to Martin Scheiber's son Frank. He forwarded a bunch of his information to me, along with questions and blanks that I might beable to fill in for him. So I am able to also fill in a lot of blanks about Martin's life before he married Theresia Heirt. So that is the project I will be working on this afternoon.
I'm up a pound again today, but haven't gained more than the 10 lbs I had before round 2 of the chemo....so I will also continue to stuff myself again today....wondering if I'll beable to reverse this process when and if I finally get back to my original weight. UGH!! But for now....the food is tasting good, and it is preasurable to eat!!!
That's the update for the day. Keep those thoughts and prayers coming, your love and friendship are the blessings that keep me going. Thank you God, love, m
Had a good meeting, and then went on to doing some computer projects and all of a sudden it was noon and time to eat and then I came back to the computer and it dawned on me that I hadn't updated my blog yet.
Yesterday I was contacted by a man working on his wife's genealogy, and has a connection to Martin Scheiber's son Frank. He forwarded a bunch of his information to me, along with questions and blanks that I might beable to fill in for him. So I am able to also fill in a lot of blanks about Martin's life before he married Theresia Heirt. So that is the project I will be working on this afternoon.
I'm up a pound again today, but haven't gained more than the 10 lbs I had before round 2 of the chemo....so I will also continue to stuff myself again today....wondering if I'll beable to reverse this process when and if I finally get back to my original weight. UGH!! But for now....the food is tasting good, and it is preasurable to eat!!!
That's the update for the day. Keep those thoughts and prayers coming, your love and friendship are the blessings that keep me going. Thank you God, love, m
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Foggy, Foggy Day!
I'm sure there is sun somewhere, but it sure isn't here....fog today and rain for the next couple of days, but at least it is warm. On the personal note, my head might be foggy, but the sun is shining trying to burn through it.
I had a great day yesterday, visiting with former student worker Heather and her beautiful children (brilliant children I might add). Then I worked on scanning some more old negatives onto facebook....some turned out great, and others no matter how I tried adjusting them still left a lot to be desired. But was happy to get some pictures I never saw before. I think the negatives must have come from Doris and Ray's photo's, cause it seemed Steve....or Sue Marie was the subject of a lot of them.
As for my health....I had a few vague touches of the cold thing when I was digging in the freezer and I went to be right after the news cause I was yawning so much, but didn't sleep well. Was up at least four times and laid a wake for over an hour and then ended up getting up at 6:20 cause I just couldn't stand being in bed any longer. I didn't take the medicine that I have available which is an anti nausea, but makes you sleepy, so I may go back and take it again tonite! I also may have to take a nap later in the day. I have some shopping to do, and have a date with old friend Mary Brue for early dinner. So we'll see how the day goes!
Maybe I just need some sun!!! Love and prayers m
I had a great day yesterday, visiting with former student worker Heather and her beautiful children (brilliant children I might add). Then I worked on scanning some more old negatives onto facebook....some turned out great, and others no matter how I tried adjusting them still left a lot to be desired. But was happy to get some pictures I never saw before. I think the negatives must have come from Doris and Ray's photo's, cause it seemed Steve....or Sue Marie was the subject of a lot of them.
As for my health....I had a few vague touches of the cold thing when I was digging in the freezer and I went to be right after the news cause I was yawning so much, but didn't sleep well. Was up at least four times and laid a wake for over an hour and then ended up getting up at 6:20 cause I just couldn't stand being in bed any longer. I didn't take the medicine that I have available which is an anti nausea, but makes you sleepy, so I may go back and take it again tonite! I also may have to take a nap later in the day. I have some shopping to do, and have a date with old friend Mary Brue for early dinner. So we'll see how the day goes!
Maybe I just need some sun!!! Love and prayers m
Monday, March 8, 2010
Spring Showers Bring the Flowers!
Supposed to rain on and off all week, but on the bright side, it will clean up all the dirt and melt all that snow, and soon, those flowers and green grass will be peaking through.
Today, I have company coming, number 4 on my spot remover list!!! Heather was a former student worker, who married, has two children, and managed to get a master's in psyc, and teaches full time at a online college. I'm always so proud when former student workers make it big!!! And I have several on my list that have. Kind of like being a proud mama!! I'm sure her parents had something to do with it, but I'd like to think working in our office with all the strong women had something to do with it.
I made it through the weekend without a crash, did nap yesterday after church, but managed the rest of the day without problem, and today seems like it will go good, as well. I am a few pounds down from last Monday when I started the chemo, but still 7 pounds above my all time low, so I will continue to eat and drink water to bring that weight back up. Have a happy day! Love and prayers, m
Today, I have company coming, number 4 on my spot remover list!!! Heather was a former student worker, who married, has two children, and managed to get a master's in psyc, and teaches full time at a online college. I'm always so proud when former student workers make it big!!! And I have several on my list that have. Kind of like being a proud mama!! I'm sure her parents had something to do with it, but I'd like to think working in our office with all the strong women had something to do with it.
I made it through the weekend without a crash, did nap yesterday after church, but managed the rest of the day without problem, and today seems like it will go good, as well. I am a few pounds down from last Monday when I started the chemo, but still 7 pounds above my all time low, so I will continue to eat and drink water to bring that weight back up. Have a happy day! Love and prayers, m
Sunday, March 7, 2010
You Make Me Happy When Days are Gray!
Cloudy gray day outside, but I know your blessings are making me happy....I made it through the nite without any problems, like crashing or passing out....or my bag giving me problems. So all went well....I'm hoping that today without any steroid (I got 1/2 a pill yesterday) that I will continue to do well....and so far so good. I showered and went to church this morning, and seeing none of my breakfast buddies, I came home and fixed myself a Spanish omelet and am just waiting to go to the Lenten study group meeting at 1 p.m.
Maybe this afternoon, I'll have a chance to scan in some old photo's that cousin Chris (Tina) loaned to me yesterday. Some really cute ones....some good blackmail...some sentimental...most I had never seen before. So I'm excited to show you them. I think I'll post on Facebook. So it will be my Academy Award project.
Love and prayers to you all! m
Maybe this afternoon, I'll have a chance to scan in some old photo's that cousin Chris (Tina) loaned to me yesterday. Some really cute ones....some good blackmail...some sentimental...most I had never seen before. So I'm excited to show you them. I think I'll post on Facebook. So it will be my Academy Award project.
Love and prayers to you all! m
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Wow, the sun is still shining, even though they predict Rain!
It's not going to Rain on my parade....I'm doing well still this a.m., had a good nite sleep, only got up twice and went right back to sleep. I did have an hour of last nite where I couldn't keep my eyes open on the couch, but it didn't effect me as far as sleeping last nite, and I have been able to work on the diarrhea that seems to hit me each Friday of chemo week, with Imodium, worked most of the day yesterday, but needed to take more this morning. Also had a blow out with my bag again this morning....that is a work in progress....but slowly but surely I will master it.
Got a nice long email from a former co-worker and dear friend Mary #1. Yes Mary we need to get together soon....I'll email you.
No big plans for the day....sadly Janet is leaving to go back home, confident her job is done for the week, and I think I have some laundry to do....but need to find something fun, other than cleaning a closet or some dumb thing like that.
Love to hear from all of you, keep those comments coming, either email or facebook, or on my blog...you are my life line....you keep me happy when skys are gray....you are my sunshine. Love and prayers, m
Got a nice long email from a former co-worker and dear friend Mary #1. Yes Mary we need to get together soon....I'll email you.
No big plans for the day....sadly Janet is leaving to go back home, confident her job is done for the week, and I think I have some laundry to do....but need to find something fun, other than cleaning a closet or some dumb thing like that.
Love to hear from all of you, keep those comments coming, either email or facebook, or on my blog...you are my life line....you keep me happy when skys are gray....you are my sunshine. Love and prayers, m
Friday, March 5, 2010
The day got away from me.
I'm sorry, I didn't write this morning....I really thought I had....but no nothing....we started the day slowly...kind of a quiet morning, cleaning and laundry etc. then this afternoon, we went shopping and that was lots of fun. Then on the way home we even stopped and washed the car, but had to wait in line about 1/2 hour but it turned out so nice and shinny clean. So all was well.
Then when I got home I got this nice letter from Sandy (Joe's wife)Thanks Sandy for all the good memories, we did have a lot of fun with your family all through the years. It means a lot to me that you sat down and put that all in writing...Love you and Joe so much.
Then Aunt Loretta (mom) sent me this card saying she was going to kick my butt if I didn't get well....lol, brightened my day too!
This evening I kinda hit the wall again at 8 p.m., and kinda slept through that show, but then I kind of got a second wind, so I guess I'm not going to crash like last time. All is well! Love and prayers, m
Then when I got home I got this nice letter from Sandy (Joe's wife)Thanks Sandy for all the good memories, we did have a lot of fun with your family all through the years. It means a lot to me that you sat down and put that all in writing...Love you and Joe so much.
Then Aunt Loretta (mom) sent me this card saying she was going to kick my butt if I didn't get well....lol, brightened my day too!
This evening I kinda hit the wall again at 8 p.m., and kinda slept through that show, but then I kind of got a second wind, so I guess I'm not going to crash like last time. All is well! Love and prayers, m
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Update on Bill and Ed
Ed reported that his surgery went well and he is home....and Carol just called a little while ago, and said they started late and it took longer than she thought....but the doc reports it went well and he is going to be hurting for a while....also Janet and I took Annie to the doctor this afternoon, and it's not gallbladder at all, she has kidney stones....one on each side. They sent her home with x-ray in hand and a prescription for Vicoden, and she see's a urologist in the morning....much relieved that she doesn't need surgery...and it's not anything worse! So it was a great day in Coon Rapids today!!! Love ya all, m
Oh Happy Day!
Got unplugged yesterday, beat Janet five times in Blokus, got sun flowers from Rosie and the sun is shining again today and it's going to be in the 40's in Minnesota! Priceless!! Needless to say, I'm doing so good! Thank you for your blessings.
Talked to John and Flo this morning, and they are doing great, traveling around the country enjoying life. They send their best to everyone, especially me and Bill.
My brother Bill is having his surgery at 11 a.m. this morning, and my daughter Annie seems to be having a gallbladder attack. She had an ultrsound yesterday, and is here with me and Janet this morning, and she is seeing the doctor again at 2 p.m. this afternoon. Janet and I are taking good care of her....since Janet doesn't have to take care of me, I had to give her some work to do....no rest for the wicked!! hehe!
Nothing else new, hope to get some shopping in today and take another walk around the block like yesterday, soaking up that wonderful solar-power! Love and prayers, m
Talked to John and Flo this morning, and they are doing great, traveling around the country enjoying life. They send their best to everyone, especially me and Bill.
My brother Bill is having his surgery at 11 a.m. this morning, and my daughter Annie seems to be having a gallbladder attack. She had an ultrsound yesterday, and is here with me and Janet this morning, and she is seeing the doctor again at 2 p.m. this afternoon. Janet and I are taking good care of her....since Janet doesn't have to take care of me, I had to give her some work to do....no rest for the wicked!! hehe!
Nothing else new, hope to get some shopping in today and take another walk around the block like yesterday, soaking up that wonderful solar-power! Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Round Two Day Three
I get unplugged at 11 this morning. Then I'll be half way there....Whoooppee!! That sunshine seems to be doing it's job.....you guys do good work. I'm finally over that sinus thing as well....I barely coughed yesterday, and my sinus's don't feel so puffy.
I was full of energy all day yesterday, did a lot of work in the house....even gathered a whole tub of stamps that were spread out in several closets....my dad was a stamp collector and we bought that collection from him in the late 60's and then Tom and Bill had some interest in them when they were in scouts and got a badge. But they haven't been touched for years. Do I have any stamp collectors out there who might give us a clue as to what they are worth reading this? We need help! Gene was such a collector.
Today, Janet is coming to take me to the unplugging, then we are getting take out at Acapulco, and Rosie Mortenson is joining us at my house. So I'm sure I'll have a lot of laughs with them.
Cousin Ed Huber is supposed to be having surgery today, and tomorrow brother Bill should be having his surgery, so please keep them in your prayers!!! Thank you again for all the thoughts and prayers you are sending my way...everyday it's 40 and the sun is shining bright I'm reminded that you are with me removing those spots. Love ya, m
P.S. Am adding pictures for your amusement. One with my hot pink gloves that I didn't have to wear this time around, one of me this a.m. before the unplugging so you can see how well I look, and one with me and Rosie and the beautiful bouquet of Sunflowers....how appropriate. Enjoy!

I was full of energy all day yesterday, did a lot of work in the house....even gathered a whole tub of stamps that were spread out in several closets....my dad was a stamp collector and we bought that collection from him in the late 60's and then Tom and Bill had some interest in them when they were in scouts and got a badge. But they haven't been touched for years. Do I have any stamp collectors out there who might give us a clue as to what they are worth reading this? We need help! Gene was such a collector.
Today, Janet is coming to take me to the unplugging, then we are getting take out at Acapulco, and Rosie Mortenson is joining us at my house. So I'm sure I'll have a lot of laughs with them.
Cousin Ed Huber is supposed to be having surgery today, and tomorrow brother Bill should be having his surgery, so please keep them in your prayers!!! Thank you again for all the thoughts and prayers you are sending my way...everyday it's 40 and the sun is shining bright I'm reminded that you are with me removing those spots. Love ya, m
P.S. Am adding pictures for your amusement. One with my hot pink gloves that I didn't have to wear this time around, one of me this a.m. before the unplugging so you can see how well I look, and one with me and Rosie and the beautiful bouquet of Sunflowers....how appropriate. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Day two, Round two
Sorry I'm so slow in getting here today, but I've been busy cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry and that got side lined looking at some boxes on the basement shelf that Gene had placed there and I had no idea what was in them. I found a few keepsakes, and a lot of coin collecting books etc. that I have put in a box for my son Tom, next time he comes to town.
I'm doing well as you can tell from my energy level above. The new recipe of drugs seems to be a lot better than the first. Still have some vag response to cold, but nothing like it was last time.
Jimbo spent the day with me yesterday and left me on my own for the evening, but I talked to Annie twice and Jimbo as well, so they are all checking up on me, and I took my phone to bed with me just in case. Tomorrow morning, Janet will come and take me to get unplugged, then lunch planned with Rosie Mortenson, and then Janet will stay till Saturday morning, as last time it was the end of the week that I really needed help....not the beginning....but we've learned that I really needed that help on Friday nite last time. They will also be weaning me off the steroid. I take two a day T-Th, then 1 on Friday, and 1/2 of one on Saturday....so we'll see how that works. Tomorrow I will try and report before I get unplugged, as after that I will have company, and wouldn't get to it till late in the day. Talk to you then. Love and prayers, m
P.S. almost forgot, I got the most beautiful Angel in the mail from Bonnie Sass who had to go to Sedona alone this year....boohoo...but she is thinking of me, and went to that beautiful chapel in the Rocks and bought the angel there. See also lit a cvanfle for me by the altar and next to that big front window so I could see the red rocks! Love you so much Bonnie, sure wish I was there with you, but we'll be together next winter for sure!!! Hopefully we can do the Destin thing then.
I'm doing well as you can tell from my energy level above. The new recipe of drugs seems to be a lot better than the first. Still have some vag response to cold, but nothing like it was last time.
Jimbo spent the day with me yesterday and left me on my own for the evening, but I talked to Annie twice and Jimbo as well, so they are all checking up on me, and I took my phone to bed with me just in case. Tomorrow morning, Janet will come and take me to get unplugged, then lunch planned with Rosie Mortenson, and then Janet will stay till Saturday morning, as last time it was the end of the week that I really needed help....not the beginning....but we've learned that I really needed that help on Friday nite last time. They will also be weaning me off the steroid. I take two a day T-Th, then 1 on Friday, and 1/2 of one on Saturday....so we'll see how that works. Tomorrow I will try and report before I get unplugged, as after that I will have company, and wouldn't get to it till late in the day. Talk to you then. Love and prayers, m
P.S. almost forgot, I got the most beautiful Angel in the mail from Bonnie Sass who had to go to Sedona alone this year....boohoo...but she is thinking of me, and went to that beautiful chapel in the Rocks and bought the angel there. See also lit a cvanfle for me by the altar and next to that big front window so I could see the red rocks! Love you so much Bonnie, sure wish I was there with you, but we'll be together next winter for sure!!! Hopefully we can do the Destin thing then.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Round Two
Good Morning, I am all hooked up and they are running the chemo in for the next 2 hours....will be done at 1 pm
They checked me over and drew blood etc. before I started this a.m., and all my blood levels were in the normal range except for HBL and Platelets, but they both were barely below normal and not low enough that they would not give me chemo. They also have adjusted the amount of one of the chemo drugs 20% less than last time, so I shouldn't have as much of a reaction to the cold (they didn't think I should have to wear gloves to use silverware). Also they are expanding the pills I took T-Th, and I will take one on Friday and only 1/2 of Saturday....so they are hoping that will prevent my crashing rather than quitting me cold turkey on Thursday. So we'll see.....hopefully this whole thing will be better this time around. I'm feeling so much stronger than I was two weeks ago to begin with....and going in three pounds heavier than two weeks ago as well. I was up to 135 this morning, which is 10 pounds up from my all time low.
I'm home, and also saw the ostomy nurse before coming home....have a new kind of bag that has a built in filter, which is supposed to help with the gas in the bag....they also sent me home with two more of the same kind. I told her about the magic button, and she gave me two of those to try too. So I will try and use them, after I use these new bags they gave me. I am healing the skin around the ostomy, and she said the stoma looks really healthy, so that is good too.
So far the cold reaction is 90% better than last time. So far only noticed it mildly in my right had when we walked out to the car, as I didn't have my glove on....but as soon as I put it on it went away. My throat did feel weird when drinking cool water, so I will continue to drink warm or hot beverages. I felt a slight tinge in my jaw when I ate a piece of banana bread....but the went away right away as well. So I have high hopes of it all being so much better this time.....we can only hope. Between that and the new bag, maybe I'm turning the corner with that too! Keep those thoughts and prayers coming my way! My prayers is:
"Dear God, bless all my friends and special family members in whatever it is that you know they may need this day. And may their lives be full of peace, prosperity and power on their journey through life and their efforts to have a closer relationship with you.” Love and prayers, m
They checked me over and drew blood etc. before I started this a.m., and all my blood levels were in the normal range except for HBL and Platelets, but they both were barely below normal and not low enough that they would not give me chemo. They also have adjusted the amount of one of the chemo drugs 20% less than last time, so I shouldn't have as much of a reaction to the cold (they didn't think I should have to wear gloves to use silverware). Also they are expanding the pills I took T-Th, and I will take one on Friday and only 1/2 of Saturday....so they are hoping that will prevent my crashing rather than quitting me cold turkey on Thursday. So we'll see.....hopefully this whole thing will be better this time around. I'm feeling so much stronger than I was two weeks ago to begin with....and going in three pounds heavier than two weeks ago as well. I was up to 135 this morning, which is 10 pounds up from my all time low.
I'm home, and also saw the ostomy nurse before coming home....have a new kind of bag that has a built in filter, which is supposed to help with the gas in the bag....they also sent me home with two more of the same kind. I told her about the magic button, and she gave me two of those to try too. So I will try and use them, after I use these new bags they gave me. I am healing the skin around the ostomy, and she said the stoma looks really healthy, so that is good too.
So far the cold reaction is 90% better than last time. So far only noticed it mildly in my right had when we walked out to the car, as I didn't have my glove on....but as soon as I put it on it went away. My throat did feel weird when drinking cool water, so I will continue to drink warm or hot beverages. I felt a slight tinge in my jaw when I ate a piece of banana bread....but the went away right away as well. So I have high hopes of it all being so much better this time.....we can only hope. Between that and the new bag, maybe I'm turning the corner with that too! Keep those thoughts and prayers coming my way! My prayers is:
"Dear God, bless all my friends and special family members in whatever it is that you know they may need this day. And may their lives be full of peace, prosperity and power on their journey through life and their efforts to have a closer relationship with you.” Love and prayers, m
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