Monday, March 29, 2010

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

The sun is shining and they are predicting warm and sunny all week. I'm sure Florida will be just as nice. One more sleep!
Yesterday was a day of problems with Constance, and I can't really explain why, but I was just sitting watching TV and playing Spider on the computer and I just sprung a leak...then during the nite 4:30 a.m. I was laying on my back and my hand noticed a wet spot on my pj's and sure enough another leak in almost the same spot as yesterday afternoon. I have two different style bags, and I was wearing the one I thought was the best both times (changing my thoughts on that a little). I really can't figure out why. I may have rolled onto it while sleeping, but I don't think I did. It may be I didn't do a good job of putting it on in the first place. We'll see if this one stays 3 days like it is supposed to. We can only hope. I was looking forward to Constance behaving this week in Florida...I may have to change my statement of yesterday regarding suffering! Just kidding!!!
I will not be taking my computer to Florida with me, however, Jimbo and Doug will both have theirs, and I do have my Blackberry so I can read email and respond. I will try and keep you all updated as the week goes on, but don't promise a morning update....I may switch to evenings, and may not make it each evening. But I will do my best. Fair warning. Love and prayers, m

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