Supposed to rain on and off all week, but on the bright side, it will clean up all the dirt and melt all that snow, and soon, those flowers and green grass will be peaking through.
Today, I have company coming, number 4 on my spot remover list!!! Heather was a former student worker, who married, has two children, and managed to get a master's in psyc, and teaches full time at a online college. I'm always so proud when former student workers make it big!!! And I have several on my list that have. Kind of like being a proud mama!! I'm sure her parents had something to do with it, but I'd like to think working in our office with all the strong women had something to do with it.
I made it through the weekend without a crash, did nap yesterday after church, but managed the rest of the day without problem, and today seems like it will go good, as well. I am a few pounds down from last Monday when I started the chemo, but still 7 pounds above my all time low, so I will continue to eat and drink water to bring that weight back up. Have a happy day! Love and prayers, m
m, You are such a charm, you even out did the steroids this time! I applaud you for your style, and your gumption. Keep on living life to the fullest, you've got the key and know how to use it. I continue to stand by and pray that things only get better for you, love, Jeanie