Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Sun and the Son are shinning!

I was sitting here after church, trying to decide what title to put on this posting, and the Sun started to shine.....I haven't seen it in days, but it gave me an immediate boost! I'm smiling!!! I didn't have to imagine it.
I'm feeling really good now, and am ready for an amazing day....first Lenten Study Group at 1 p.m......we have such an amazing group and this year the topic is prayer....right up my alley. Then at about 5 p.m. Tom and Presley (3 yr. old granddaughter) arrive from Chicago....I'm so excited....I get to play with Pres all week. Then we head to Katie's birthday party (14 yr. old granddaughter) her birthday was on the second, but they are celebrating with the family this afternoon. Then when we finish celebrating for Katie, Annie gets to celebrate too, as her birthday is tomorrow. We plan on skyping those Chicago family that didn't get to come up with Tom and Presley, so at least they can see the rest of us, and join in on singing Happy Birthday to Annie and Katie.
Tomorrow I start round 3 of Chemo, and then I don't have to do round 4 till I come back from Florida, so after Wednesday when they unplug me, I'll be in the packing and getting ready for Florida mode. I've done Easter in Boston with the the first Catholic Church built there....I wonder what we will find in Florida.
Hope you all have a great day, Love and prayers, m

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