Sunday, March 7, 2010

You Make Me Happy When Days are Gray!

Cloudy gray day outside, but I know your blessings are making me happy....I made it through the nite without any problems, like crashing or passing out....or my bag giving me problems. So all went well....I'm hoping that today without any steroid (I got 1/2 a pill yesterday) that I will continue to do well....and so far so good. I showered and went to church this morning, and seeing none of my breakfast buddies, I came home and fixed myself a Spanish omelet and am just waiting to go to the Lenten study group meeting at 1 p.m.
Maybe this afternoon, I'll have a chance to scan in some old photo's that cousin Chris (Tina) loaned to me yesterday. Some really cute ones....some good blackmail...some sentimental...most I had never seen before. So I'm excited to show you them. I think I'll post on Facebook. So it will be my Academy Award project.
Love and prayers to you all! m

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