Saturday, March 27, 2010

Three Days to Florida

I can't believe they are predicting 70s in MN as soon as I leave for 70s in Florida. What's up with that? I think God wants you to enjoy the Sunshine too! I wonder if all your prayers for sunshine for me, have led to the first ever March without a drop of snow....and one of the warmest March's in history? Thank you God for blessing me and all my spot removers.
I had an accident with Constance during the nite....some how I rolled onto my stomach and blew the seal on her. I was supposed to change it this morning anyway, so that wasn't so bad. But I will make another note to self: No sleeping on your stomach. I may not be fat, but 138 lbs of weight on a plastic bag will pop it. Kinda like sitting on a balloon. I'd win every time.
My sinus's still seam to be running, but my head dosn't hurt and my eyes are not watering, so I think the antibiotics are doing their job, and I've warded off the diarrhea most of the week. Didn't gain anything yesterday, but I did hold at 138.6. So I continue to eat and grow stronger each day. Love and blessings for all, m

1 comment:

  1. m,I think Constance should go to obedience school. It may get up to the same temp, here as FL, but it definitely is nicer down there. I'm praying that your trip is fantastic and that you are nourished with the sun and good fruit. Enjoy, love, Jeanie
