As the day progressed, the sinus thing progressed, as well, so I waved the white flag and called the doctor for help!! It was almost 5 p.m. before they called back and told me they were going to give me a prescription for too late to pick up till morning. By the time I went to bed last nite my eye had also become inflamed and watering, so I was glad I made the decision to call the doctor when I did. I went right away this morning and picked up the prescription along with some eye drops, so hopefully I'll now be on the mend....and will be well and strong for Florida...I leave in one week. Funny thing the pharmacist told me that the drug needed to be taken with food, and could cause diarrhea, I told him, that I was already dealing with that with my chemo, so I knew what to do. Like I needed anything else to cause diarrhea. I guess I'll just up the doses of the I'm not chasing it.
No big plans for the day....I guess I'll just take care of myself and eat as often as needed to put some pounds back on this body. I am up almost 2 pound from the low of this round of chemo, so it is going back up. Highlight of the day will be watching "The Biggest Loser" and calling Janet during commercials and discussing who we think is going to be kicked off this week. Strange to be watching the Biggest Loser and trying to gain weight at the same time.....I guess I can also find something to eat during the commercials! m
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