Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm Back and so is the Sun!

The sun followed me to Florida last week and shined everyday brightly.....then I returned last evening to rain and this morning the sun is back shining bright again!!! I know it is because of all your prayers for me. Thank you so much!
This morning my good friend (I almost said old....but Rita is younger that me by a few months, so I couldn't say that) Rita Culshaw came and picked me up to take me to my 4th and last round of chemo. She came a few minutes early as she said she had a present for me.....and what a gift it was. She spent the winter in Florida in that cold rainy she made me this beautiful quilt.....she the pictures above:

On a label on the bottom it reads:
"Solar Power"
Made especially for
Mary Kiecker
by Rita Culshaw (owner of spot #36)
with prayers and positive thoughts. March, 2010

It is so beautiful, and I and Rita are sure that spot #36 and maybe a few of friends is for sure gone. I can't thank Rita enough for this thoughtful, beautiful, and creative gift.

Rita then spent the morning with me at the HHH Cancer Center, and we talked continuously all morning and after they hooked me up to the pump and sent me on my way about 1:15 p.m. we headed to Applebees and had lunch....then back to my house to show her the lap quilt that the grandkids made me for my 60th birthday a few years back. She was just as impressed with that quilt as I was with the one she made me. They both are lovely.

The doctor said this morning, that they would look at the CT scan I have next Friday the 16th and consult with me on the 20th where we go from here. If the cancer is completely gone they would maybe send me back to Mayo for the surgery they wanted me to have in the first place....and if not completely gone....but considerably, they will start me on another round of chemo. So I won't know till the 20th how well all those prayers have done on those spots....but I do plan on wearing my "Spotless" T-shirt on Friday when they on plug me, and again next week when I have the CT scan. Rita and I both told Dr. Londer we thought the spots were gone....or atleast #36 was gone for sure. I don't know if he believed us.....but we feel positive about that!

Sorry it's been so long since I blogged, but I did not have access to a computer at Disney....and can't believe that they didn't even have a few computers for guest use in the lobby. They charged $10. per day for internet hook-up in your room, and then it wasn't even WI-FI....Jimbo had to plug in at the bed side table....not the desk across the room....real convienient.....I can't believe they don't have all the Disney grounds set up with WIFI.....especially in this day and age. I will add pictures from the trip in the days to come. I had a wonderful time....and loved seeing Disney through the eyes of my four-year-old grandson Matthew. Priceless. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. Love, m

1 comment:

  1. WELCOME BACK, a whole lot lighter without any spots in the lungs. I feel another miracle coming on, which we all know you, m, are so experienced at pulling off. I continue to keep you lifted up, and pray for your happiness, no matter what, love, Jeanie
