Thursday, April 15, 2010

Waiting for the Sun to Come Out!

Yesterday was as close to crashing as I came this round. I fell asleep during the Twins game....but woke up just in time for Cuddyer's home run. Unfortunately they didn't win, but what I saw was a good game. A little rain must fall....without a roof!....but they played through it....and no one seemed to care.
I continued to have problems with diarrhea all evening, even though I remembered my meds in the morning and even took an Imodium at dinner time. But luckily when I got on the scale this morning, I was up 2 lbs for the low of this round. Still about 8 lbs to regain, but I seem to be able to do that without too much problem.
Even though I had a nap during the game I went to bed right after the news. Diarrhea takes a lot out of far as energy goes.
I had a wonderful morning at the college. So much fun to see all those I used to work with (my work family). I really miss that part my life....but I do love retirement too. I got to see the widow who 3 years ago, after Gene died told me her philosophy was "you can sit and feel sorry for yourself, or you can get up and do something about it" and I've lived by that ever since. I reminded her of that, and we had a great hug!
The funny part of the morning, was that 3 of us were wearing the same pair of shoes, and another said she had some....but wasn't wearing them today. So that shows you how much we were family....we all think a like. None of the four of us are even working in the same office strange is that.
They are warning everyone about the allergies this week....I really need to work in the yard, but with all my allergies, I don't know if I dare. I may have to use a mask. They even say we should change clothes and shower when you come in! I never thought about all that. No wonder I have so many problems!
Tomorrow is my CT I probably won't write till I get home or later in the morning. Love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. No spots for the CT machine!!!!!!!! Even though I haven't posted a comment lately, I've lived for every word from you. Besides a wonderful cousin, you are one great lady. I just know those spots don't have a chance, love, Jeanie
