Thursday, October 7, 2010


NO!  You don't need new glasses!  It's true!  Mary is cancer free!  I mean really.. isn't that the best sentence you've ever read!

I spoke with Mary mid-morning and she has zero recollection of anything until 6:15am this morning.  We all consider that a blessing.  Doctor confirmed that the surgery was a success and all cancer was removed.  Many things had to get accomplished during the surgery, and all objectives were met!  Constance got to stay in relatively the same spot, which was a big relief.  They did have to move it just a bit due to a hernia, which was repaired.  They also did "on-the-spot" radiation!  Just once more with feeling!  A plastic surgeon did some major "construction"to make sure that everything looked as normal as it could.  Although not a workable exit Mary will still have a booty!!!

Mary is great spirits and sounds remarkably normal.  Perhaps a slur here and there, as she is on MAJOR pain meds.  It's my understanding that she was extremely bloated last evening, but all reports are that she is looking like her usual self.  Thank goodness she got her hair done last week!  God forbid she was bloated and had bad hair!!!!

She is out of ICU and had a room full of family this morning.  They all leave, with the exception of Kathleen of course, this afternoon.

So that is what we know!  Words can't appropriately express the feeling of elation we are all feeling.  Mary continues to teach us, through her tenacity and faith, that everything is possible!

God Bless!!


  1. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best news ever!

  2. m, EVER TRUE TO FORM, only as m can do it :) May your angels stay close as you recover, and keep on smiling, as we all smile with you :) :) love, Jeanie

  3. Way To Go !!!@!!! Wonderful, Great, Super Thank you Lord and God. Thank you, Thank you.

  4. God and all His angels are smiling on you Mary, as well as your thousands of friends and family. May God continue to smile on you and bless you.

    Pat and Larry Wood

  5. Impossible to believe you are so resilient, if you aren't a testement to fighting with all your might, I don't know what is. Keep beating the odds my friend, you are awesome. This world needs people like you to keep its faith! Valerie
