Saturday, March 2, 2013


I lost my mojo... I'm not sure where the heck I put it, but I've tried to post for the last day or so, and every time I've sat down words wouldn't come.  Perhaps it's finding the right way to convey tough information.  Or maybe the emotional journey is catching up with all of us!  I'm not sure.  I know you all rely on these post for information so I apologize for the silent keyboard.

Mary is faced with so many challenges.  She has very little strength.  In order to gain some, she needs to eat and move. Unfortunately, when she eats, she doesn't feel well.  She tends to avoid eating only taking a bite or so of whatever is placed in front of her.  So in order to continue making progress, she needs to have the energy and to have the energy she needs to eat.  It is such a conflict and there doesn't seem to be a resolution.

On the up side, Mary remains in good spirits.  Although she is battling nausea and pain, she is talkative and determined.  She continues with PT and she actually was sitting up in a wheelchair twice this week. She also sat on her bed for 15 min as she got her hair cut.  Needless to say she is ready for visitors.  

I believe radiation is done for now.  Mary seems to think that it's helped a bit.  Again, it will take 3 weeks to see how effective it was.  She goes to her Oncologist on Monday.  We pray that she is healthy enough to stay on at Camilla Rose and resume Chemo and not have to go back into the hospital.  So please lift her up in your prayers.  This is a really important Doctor visit!



  1. Mary -- You are in our thoughts and prayers. We're sending you love and we'll be praying for a good doctor visit tomorrow.
    Karen -- Thank you for the wonderful and loving updates. We do so appreciate them.
    Brenda Dickinson

  2. Mary, hang in there. Keep trying to eat and gain some strength. It sounds very difficult for you right now with food. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Hoping for a "good news" visit on Monday. Looking forward to seeing you in May when I get back to MN!

  3. Mary, please keep eating so you cn be strong enough to come home. I am looking forward to cribbage so you have to get strong. Otherwise they will say I took advantage of you. LOL jv

  4. Mary, I was reading your blog tonight I thought of all the times I went with you guys to track meets and I pretty much ate french toast and you knew I would order that even before I did....just a thought, maybe that sounds good to you right now?!

    Thinking of you and praying you can get your strength back:)

    Sue Lingen

  5. Thinking about you Mary...prayers always. Hope for better days to come!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
    Marilyn Q.
