Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I love viewing the world through my children's eyes.  Their enthusiasm and innocence is a something I want to cling to.  They're able to simplify a situation and add surprising clarity to situations we complicate with all our adult, worldly experiences.  My daughter said something to me the other day that really made me stop in my tracks: live in the present because it really is a gift! I was taken back by her wisdom.  She couldn't take credit for this brilliant perspective of course, as it was on one of her programs but I appreciate the message just the same!  I know Mary lives her life with this philosophy and its a great reminder for me!  Today is a gift!!

It had been a tough morning for Mary. Her stomach was very upset to the point where she threw up.  She did feel much better afterwards and did end up eating a little bit.  Her PT has already had her sitting up at 3 different times and is working on stretching that right leg.  Pain level is still around a 3' as long as she isn't moving a round.  All other vitals are good.  Her spirits are high and that is probably due to the fact that all her kids are in town.  Tom drove up early this morning and they'll all be together tonight.  That is definitely something to smile about.



  1. Mary, embrace your children. What would we do without them, right? They bring the smiles to our faces even in times that are tough. When you feel a little weak, let their strength hold you up. You have a wonderful, caring family. Families are such a blessing!

  2. love you Aunt Mary!! You are so strong! I am thinking and praying for you. sorry I have not been back to see you. Mackenzie had croup, now the girls and I have colds. So, as soon as I am cleared up I will be there!! I wore your scarf you made the other day and everyone loved it! Karen, thank you for the updates! Love you both carrie
