Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sleep does a Body Good

After writing the blog at 2 a.m., I went to sleep, and woke to the alarm at 7 a.m. to take my pain pill, and went back to sleep till 11 a.m. When I awoke I was up for the next 5 hours, and it was like I drank that "5 Hour Energy" drink.  I was going till 4 p.m.  I ate, and then went back to work on the taxes, getting lots of exercise running back and forth to the computer room for more info etc.. I finally finished and filed both the State and Federal.  So happy to have that accomplished.  I'm even getting a few bucks back.
Did lot of talking on the phone, Bonnie to set up my unplugging tomorrow.  Need to be read by 10:30 for that.  Then Lois to make sure she had a sub for cards tonight, cause I was supposed to be gone, and she really didn't cause she thought I might come as I didn't leave with Bonnie on our trip.  I said I wasn't up to that, so she went on a hunt for a sub, and in the meantime found out that one of our regular subs was already subbing for Twylla, as she has Shingles.  Ouch!!!  Say some prayers for her. She did finally find a sub.  Then I talked to Jan Ranum, who had surgery last week too.  I sent her flowers or one of those pots of spring bulbs exactly like the one Mary McGraw sent me, and I found out that Mary had sent her one too!  So she has two.  But they are growing at a different pace, so will be blooming at different times too.  How fun.
This evening Annie called to check in on me, and then Karen did the same.  Karen was waiting to get on a plane in NY to come home, and had 45 minutes to spare.  She promised she wouldn't talk for that long, as she knew I was watching "Smash" which I religiously watched in season one, and couldn't wait for the 2 hour premier for this year.  It was very good and the story line for this year looks really interesting.  I let her know she was safe cause a commercial had just started.
I got up gathered my pills to fill my containers for the week, and realized I was out of one that I needed was completely gone after I take my night time pills before I go to bed.  I also needed another but not that badly.  So I went online to HP to order them, and it said they wouldn't be ready till Thursday at 2 p.m., and it gave me a number to call if it was an emergency.  Well a lot of good that number did, the person I talked to was at Riverside, and said I should just call HP Coon Rapids at 8 a.m. when they open, and explain it to them.  So I hope that works.  I have Doug lined up to pick them up at about 8:45 a.m.  If you read this prior to that you can say some prayers for me too. Love and Prayers, m

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