Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Small Steps

Not only did Mary go to radiation yesterday she also had PT this morning. She got out of bed and walked 5 or 6 steps. She still isn't able to put much pressure on her right leg. She has a ways to go with that. Really important to get her moving as much as possible. She is still on her pain drip and the doctors are working to get her to a pill form of  pain management. She is very anxious to get out of the hospital. Still doesn't have an appetite but she did eat tiny bit this a.m.  Her blood pressure is stil elevated, but not horribly so and that darn potassium is still low.  Not being as nauseous will hopefully get her eating to aid those potassium levels. As I update I believe Kathleen has arrived.  I know Mary is really looking forward to that.

That's all I have to report for now!!



  1. Onward and upward, Mary! Keep improving. Such good news to hear! Made my day!!! Lynnette

  2. Aunt Mary!! So proud of you!! Keep up that movement. Xoxoxo, carrie

  3. So happy to hear the great news!!! Sending more prayers for ongoing strength and no pain your way!

    Kim Chacon

  4. Maggie Philbrook LaineFebruary 19, 2013 at 2:50 PM

    Mary, you, your family and all of the staff that are tending to you are being held in prayer. Please keep the staff at St.Tim's informed as to when and where you will be transfered. God bless you!
    Maggie Philbrook Laine, Pastoral Minister
    Church of St. Timothy

  5. Great hearing such good news today. Prayers are always flowing in your direction.

  6. Hi Mary, Small steps can be such as that of a mustard seed...it can grow into larger steps and the hope that we all share in continued strength and good health for you will become a prayer answered. That's what faith can do! Our Lenten theme this year is "Standing in the Need of Prayer". Please know that you are in mine! ...and rest assured, God hears every word. Take care Mary...be strong! :) Marilyn Q.

  7. Mary....
    Your incredible spirit continues! We are thinking and praying for you regularly! Love Palm Springs....saw Ann and Dick and will see Ann for shopping tomorrow. May you gain strength to live your incredible life!
    Love you....Rosie and Bruce

  8. HI Mary:
    Thanking about you and your family everyday!! Thank you Karen for keeping us informed as Mary gains strength and her Drs find ways to keep her comfortable.
    Love to all, Denise and Tom

    PS Mary, I thought of you the other night while watching Jeopardy and the answer to the question was "what is chinese checkers"!! I remember those days fondly. XOXO

  9. Oops, that was "thinking of you" ....
