Yesterday went pretty well, I had to get up and take my pills at 7 a.m., then again at 8 a.m. I had to call Health Partners Pharmacy to get my pills refilled asap, and they said they were already working on it....but when Doug got there, he found out that they didn't have enough of the one I really needed, so they gave me enough for 2 days, and told him to come back this morning and get the complete refill. (So he did)
Some where in between calling HP and Doug bringing me what they had, I had a knock on the door, and it was Jim from across the street to tell me that Don Salisbury had died the night before at about 2 a.m. So now I await the info on the funeral arrangements.
I finally got in the shower and got dressed as Bonnie was picking me up at 10:30 to get unplugged. When she got here I was just putting on my lipstick, and walked out to see the snow coming down like mad. I couldn't believe it, as when I went into the shower it wasn't snowing at all, and I came out to about 1/2 inch already on the ground. Bonnie drove very slow, and so was everyone else, needless to say I was a few minutes late for the unplug, but no problem there.
When Bonnie and I left HHH in Robinsdale the snow had already stopped...but I don't think they got as much as we did. We went from there to Baker's Square for lunch (second time in 3 days). Free pie day, so of course we both brought a piece of pie home with us for later enjoyment. I also brought home enough leftovers of my roast beef pot pie for another couple of meals.
While there, I realized my phone was dead. When I got home I plugged it in right away, and then a few hours later, I checked to see if it was fully charged and found it still dead....I guess in the plugging in of the phone, I unplugged the cord from the wall. (Therefore operator error!) So I had to replug it in. Sorry to anyone who tried to call. I also then plugged in my ipad, so I wouldn't have the same problem with it. My laptop pretty much stays plugged in all the time, so I never have that problem.
My pot of bulbs have started to bloom!!! Yippee! The ppruple crocus was the first, then a pink Hyacinth. I thought it was going to be the daffodils cause I could see the buds, but the crocus beat them. I'm so enjoying them all.
I didn't accomplish much more for the day... trying to eat as often as possible and get some weight on these bones. Bonnie and I also stopped at Walgreens and got some vitamins that my doctor suggested to help my neuropathy. Wow, expensive!! Let's hope they work.
Well that was my day, I forgot to do this last night, but I will try to do better this evening. Love and Prayers, m
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