Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Just A Few Words

I had to get up at 7 a.m. this morning, and I did.  Then had to get ready for the chemo appointment.  Rita picked me up at 7:45 on schedule, and as I just took my pain medicine at 7 a.m., I was moving very slowly and weakly.  We made it to the car, and I realized I hadn't put my glasses on....Rita says "Oh that's why you don't look right". She ran back inside and found my glasses where I thought they were and then she thought I looked like me.  Traffic was horrid again, I just told Annie traffic hadn't been bad since she drove me once to chemo and it was an early appointment.  So I guess that is the reason....rush hour!
We got there and they took me right in, and didn't see the doctor, went right to chemo.  By 11:45 they were done....oh wait....you were supposed to get that bone building drug you only get once a month.  So because of that, we weren't out of there till about 1 p.m. It all went well.  From there we went to Baker's Square at Northtown. Oh, on our way past Rainbow, I made Rita go get me a dozen Oatmeal Raisen cookies, jum jum!!!  At about 3 p.m. we got me home, and I was exhausted.  I went right to the couch, and slept for 3 hours.  I realized at 7 p.m. my phone had again died....so I plugged it in. Did eat some, and went back to the couch.  Did watch Biggest Loser, and then HGTV, the 10 oclock news and started watching Jay Leno, and fell back asleep.  Watched some of Jimmy Fallon, and then decided I better get this written before I fall back to sleep again.  So that was my day and why I'm short on words a second night in a row.
Oh, and by the way Rita beat me 3 out of 3 games.  Love and Prayers, m

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