Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl?

The ten o'clock news was claiming it one of the best ever.  I didn't find it that, but the super bowl party at my  house was the best I've had....or attended at my may be the only one too! The kids surprised me yesterday with the news that they were all coming here and bringing all the snacks, so I wouldn't have to go out.  I really had a great time.  They even cleaned up after themselves.
The early part of the day was filled with taxes.  I had to dig out a lot more info, and I thought I had gotten so organized before I started.  Oh well sooner or later I'll be done.
I am feeling better each day, but have to get to bed, as I have to be picked up for chemo in the morning at 7:45 a.m.  Rita Culshaw has volunteered to do that.  So I see cribbage in my future.
Good night, Love and Prayers, m

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