Monday, February 18, 2013


We were able to get some information from the doctor this morning.  Although extremely unpleasant    Mary did manage to have the GI test.  There is no blockage so the thought is her stomach isn't emptying completely or much at all so they are going to give her a medicine to aid the process.  When she returned from her test she had a room full of visitors.  So happy to see family and friends.

The other development is they are going to put Mary back on Oxy to manage her pain.  It's a going to be a pretty significant amount that she'll take three times a day in addition to a break out pill.  Not sure if they've  taken her off the drip already but that will be a process.  If all goes well Mary will move to transitional care on Wednesday.

I haven't had a chance to get a full download about how Mary is managing everything today but when I do I'll be sure to update.



  1. Hi Mary...I have you on my mind all the time...prayers too. Get better my friend! Strength and peace be with and all the days to come! Marilyn Q.

  2. It was so nice to spend time with you last night, thank you for being the beautiful lady that you are, this world seldom gets to experience and enjoy angels like you. People are so motivated by your strength, your spirit and your laughter. I am so glad to be one of those! Love you and I will continue to pray for you and the family. Hugs and Kisses
