Wednesday, December 12, 2007

2:00pm Update

Mary is out of surgery and she came through with flying colors. So this is what we know, and I apologize as I don’t have all the details.

1. The cancer was just localized in the rectum. GREAT NEWS. They did check her colon and it was in good shape, even considering all the past radiation.
2. Surgery lasted longer not due to complications, but just because it did!
3. Not sure if they’ll have to do any chemo. Wouldn’t that be awesome!
4. Dr. is meeting with the Oncologist on the 19th to see about chemo and how long she’ll have her colostomy. For now she will wear the “bag” for 6 wks or six months. We’ll know more after Wednesday.
5. She is resting “comfortably”, and is not in ICU
6. She still has another hour or so before she can be inundated with family and loved ones..
7. Dr thought her hair was absolutely beautiful and wondered what she had been using on her skin to make it look so wonderful.

So, all really good news. The prayers have worked yet again. Keep ‘em comin’.

Much love,

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