Tuesday, December 18, 2007


What is it about mothers? When speaking to their children the sky could be falling, yet they maintain their composure to assure their children all is well. Such is the case with our Mary. She picks up the phone, realizes it’s me, and the voice changes immediately. Comforting me! Assuring me all is well. I am smarter than the average bear of course, and know that this isn’t the whole truth!! Moms!! Seriously.

Still not a ton of rest, and still no food. Hard to make progress when the engine just isn’t getting proper fuel. Hopefully tomorrow. Mary thought that the Qigong worked as “things” are starting to move! Stoma seems to be working better and there is hope that with it functioning Mary will feel better.

Dr. presents Mary’s case again tomorrow so we should have some news as to where things go from here. I’ll be sure to update as soon I hear anything 



  1. Karen,
    Thank you again for keeping us updated. It helps so much knowing what is going on with her. My heart hurts that she is not feeling good but I know she is on her way to recovery soon. I am hanging in there with all of you and send all my love for support.
    Your cousin forever....

  2. Janet,

    Thanx Janet. Glad the blog is useful. I know it helps me get through it!!!
    Hugs and Kisses.

