Saturday, December 22, 2007


Mary was released yesterday. She arrived on the door step with just a bit of assistance and was ushered into the familiar warmth of "home". All was well for the afternoon, but as the day wore on the full scope of the past ten days started to take it's toll. Things have not been easy. Mary continues to persevere, and she never ceases to amaze any of us with her undying spirit. It's those powerful prayers that keep her going.

Some obstacles that have made things difficult.
1. Blood pressure has remained low. 85/65 was the read at 2:15am. Concerning to most, but she was discharged with low pressure. Relatively low as the night continue, but in the early morning light it has come up a bit.
2. Remains very weak, not only from lack of food, but certainly the low pressure. We are pushing Gatorade, as per the nurse instructions and that has seemed to help.
3. Still is pretty dizzy. Some of this might be due to her allergies, but also that darn blood pressure. This has prevented her from getting up to go to the bathroom. She did slowly make her way up this morning and was FINALLY able go to the bathroom. She hadn't really done that all day yesterday so there was some concern with dehydration.

There're other issues, but the ones above have been the most concerning. We have been in contact with Healthpartners, and we are noting her condition and keeping everyone in the loop. Any turn and we'll take her back to Memorial for a precautionary check.

Progressive continues as planned. Mary is being a superb patient and is resting and perhaps she can join us a bit this evening when Santa arrives. PERHAPS!!

So.. You're not rid of me yet. I will keep you posted to the progress.


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