Monday, December 10, 2007

Last Supper

Kathleen arrived on Saturday and we haven't stopped running since. Saturday nite we partied late at the cousin's Christmas Party, which was lots of laughs and great fun and love of all the cousins. We also celebrated Aunt Millie's 90th birthday.
Sunday we visited Jimbo and Annie's homes and then a great hockey game of Collie and Katie, and then off to Home Depot to buy a tree, which the kids put up and decorated for me after a great meal of Chilli (Kathleen made) and a good time was had by all.
Today I enjoyed one last qigong session with Sheila Judd at the college, then went to North Memorial for a MRI and then to Bill and Kims to see their tree. Then had to drop off packages at church and off to Jan Ranum's to have my hair cut and colored before the surgery! (I need to look good on the operating table!! hehe But unfortunately they won't be looking at that end.) So now we are back home waiting for the squash and pork chops to get done so I can eat my last real food before the surgery, as tomorrow I can only have liquids. I will be spending the afternoon and evening near or on the toilet. So the count down to surgery is getting close and I am feeling strong and overall rather good. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers, cards, emails and hugs and kisses I've received this last couple of weeks. I know the angels will be with me all the way, and mom will be at my side. Love to you all, M

1 comment:

  1. Mary, we are missing you at work already! I'm praying all goes well on your big day tomorrow.

    p.s. I hope they like your new hairdo! :o)
