Sunday, December 16, 2007

Slow and Steady...

That is simply what this it's all about. Slow and steady progress.
Mary has been given liquids today, which is another positive benchmark. After not having anything since Wednesday other than ice chips of course, you can imagine the taste sensation a glass of apple juice would bring. Super sweet. A glass of cranberry. Same thing. We're hoping that some broth will arrive later in the day.

The epidural is slowly being lessened and should be removed entirely by the end of the day. She is comfortable with that, as they will start to administer pain pills if needed.

Her scar is healing well, and she cleaned around it a bit this morning during her time sitting up in a chair. She can last about 1/2 hour or so, before exhaustion sets in. I find it amazing how strong Mary's spirit is. It really drives her to achieve amazing physical triumphs. I think it must run in the entire family :)

No estimated time for her release. No one is even mentioning it. We’re just hoping she’ll be home in time for Progressive Dinner on the 22nd. Otherwise we’ll have to bring the entire family to the hospital. Can you imagine!

Kathleen has a few days remaining in her visit. She’ll leave on Tuesday and I know Mary is going to miss her. Aren't sister's the best! I know Mary's anxious to connect with everyone. She actually wanted me to pull up her email today to make sure she isn’t missing anything. She must be feeling better!! Feel free to send her a note. I will make sure she gets it 



  1. Hi Mary, Larry and I have been keeping up on your progress and we are so happy to hear things are looking so good. When you can tolerate real food I am sure that is going to be a blessing. How wondrful to have had your sister there for so long. Sisters are really a blessing, but of course so are our children and friends. Keep hanging in there Mary and we will continue with the prayers.

    Love Pat and Larry Wood

  2. Hi Mary
    I just got off the phone with Janet and she said you were still throwing up. I'm so sorry. We are all praying for a speedy recovery. We know that you are strong and now with the wonderful news of the pathology report we can all say THANK YOU GOD AND OUR ANGELS....
    Densie, Debbie and I were just out with Dianne this weekend and it was very emotional and wonderful in one trip. She is doing great and now has 2 beautiful wigs to
    wear during her chemo. She wishes you well also and sends her love.
    See you son. Love Ya Dar
