Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Batter Up!!!

Small victories! One foot in front of the other. It's the simplest of things that mark progress. Mary has made her mark, and she is well down the road to recovery. It's a long road mind you, but she's on her way.

Catheter has been removed so Mary has been up and to the bathroom numerous times. She needs a bit of help getting up, but once up she moves remarkably well all considering. They've also introduced liquids and broth and no complications at this point. Hoping iv's and all other wires will be removed tomorrow and then she'll be free :)

Incision is healing well, and she is comfortable, which I find absolutely amazing. She has yet to take any pain medication since off the epidural.We didn't receive any updates from the Dr. with regard to treatment from here, but hoping tomorrow will shed some more light on battle plan. I'll keep you posted.

Much love to all, and big Thank you to all and the amazing love and support. K


  1. Awesome news! I wait for each update, hoping you'll be feeling better and better, Mary. Though the world is busy with preparations to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we cannot forget our friends who aren't feeling well. You'll be running the bases before long--just bunt for the time being!

  2. Woooo Hooooo. Mary, you go girl. Sounds like you are going slow and steady...which is probably perfect. I've been thinking about you bunches. I am so glad you have family that is close-knit and supportive.

    My exciting news is that Thom and I got stopped by a roadblock and cuffed and put in separate cop cars this weekend for driving our car. It was still listed as stolen!! Argh. They had guns drawn on us and everything. Bonnie and Clyde. That's us. ha ha.

    Take care and keep going....hopefully you are over the worst!
    love, Denise
