Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Good Night needed...

Not much new to report.

Today has been a bit tougher. Overall, Mary is exhausted. She's in desperate need of some solid rest. The family tried to stay away as Mary insists on participating in every conversation. The consummate entertainer, that one is. I was told that her epidural wasn’t working properly and she was in more pain than she needed to be. Everything is catching up to her. She needs a good night of sleep...I know we'll all pray that she gets it.

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Mary,
    You have been constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I know you will be in good shape soon because your attitude is so awesome! You never cease to amaze me, especially since you so recently lost your best friend on earth, Gene. I am so happy there is an easy way to stay updated on how things are progressing and will check often. Your ARCC friends are in your corner!
