Friday, March 26, 2010

Chilly Start to a Nice Day

I know you won't believe that I was up, showered and dressed by 8:30 this morning, and am just getting around to my blog at 11....but it's true. Jimbo came and we went over plans we each had drawn up for an addition to the cabin. Exciting to talk about...but will be even more exciting when it actually happens. Long way to go before that, but so fun to dream!
I am feeling so much better each day, and I'm gaining back my weight so am sure Florida will be a great get-a-way. My sinus's are still dripping, but that is improving too....I will be getting a mask to wear on the plane and in the airport. I may look silly, but in the long run I don't want to take any chances of getting sick again. I also got 50 spf lotion to wear, as one of the chemo drugs makes me sensitive to the ironic is that? The sun makes me feel so good.....I want to soak up as much as possible. So I'm almost all packed and I still have 4 days to wait. Do I sound excited? I am, 7 out of 11 grandkids will be with me at DisneyWorld....How Lucky am I? m


  1. So excited for you about the family trip to D.W. I love that so many of the grandkids will be there. That's always the best to be surrounded by family.

    We just returned from Cancun and it was divine to be in the sun. A much needed escape from the reminders that surround us every day around here. Came home feeling better.

    Love the name, Constance. Very clever.

    Love and prayers.
    Kim Weimer

  2. m, SUPER that you are feeling good! It's a given that the trip to FL will be better than any Dr. could order. What do they know? I just got back from the sun and was so delighted to be welcomed home with the sunshine. May you and Constance have a very good and deserved holiday, love, Jeanie

  3. Have a wonderful and warm time in Florida, Mary. Soak up that sunshine!
