Friday, March 19, 2010

Cloudy, Cloudy Day and Cold

Spring must have sprung back to winter this morning. BRRRRR!!! I didn't sleep well last nite, but I did plan the remodeling of the cabin, new roof line and entry way etc. Got lots done while lying there.
I'm not doing good in the weight department either....haven't had diarrhea all week, but still the weight falls during the chemo....hopefully I will jump back up next week, like I have the others.
Tom and Presley leave this morning, so that is sad....and I'm off to a funeral....even sadder. Not a good way to start my day. Hopefully I won't crash this evening....that would top it off.
I'll really miss my craft buddy. Had a lot of fun this week, between Presley and Matthew....also got a lot of stuff of the kids moved out of the house....I might be baseball card free, coin free, and stamp free. Can't believe it. Love and prayers, m


  1. m, Spring may have sprung back and smacked everybody with somemore winter, but, I know you have yourown sunshine, so let yourself shine. It's gotta be tough saying goodby to the kids with all the fun you had. Now is your time for yourself. My prayer is that you bounce back again and are off to FL, love, Jeanie

  2. We're sending you some of our sunshine - in the mid-60's today thru Sunday so we have enough to share. We also seemed to have misplaced Spot #54 -- think it washed away in last week's rain. Oh well. . . Take care and have a great time in Florida.
