Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

Got unplugged yesterday, beat Janet five times in Blokus, got sun flowers from Rosie and the sun is shining again today and it's going to be in the 40's in Minnesota! Priceless!! Needless to say, I'm doing so good! Thank you for your blessings.
Talked to John and Flo this morning, and they are doing great, traveling around the country enjoying life. They send their best to everyone, especially me and Bill.
My brother Bill is having his surgery at 11 a.m. this morning, and my daughter Annie seems to be having a gallbladder attack. She had an ultrsound yesterday, and is here with me and Janet this morning, and she is seeing the doctor again at 2 p.m. this afternoon. Janet and I are taking good care of her....since Janet doesn't have to take care of me, I had to give her some work to rest for the wicked!! hehe!
Nothing else new, hope to get some shopping in today and take another walk around the block like yesterday, soaking up that wonderful solar-power! Love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. m, May the sun continue to shine on you and all the others who are struggling. Hope your good days keep coming and your smile radiates your beautiful face. Glad to hear Janet is able to be with you, you go girl, love, Jeanie
