Monday, March 1, 2010

Round Two

Good Morning, I am all hooked up and they are running the chemo in for the next 2 hours....will be done at 1 pm
They checked me over and drew blood etc. before I started this a.m., and all my blood levels were in the normal range except for HBL and Platelets, but they both were barely below normal and not low enough that they would not give me chemo. They also have adjusted the amount of one of the chemo drugs 20% less than last time, so I shouldn't have as much of a reaction to the cold (they didn't think I should have to wear gloves to use silverware). Also they are expanding the pills I took T-Th, and I will take one on Friday and only 1/2 of they are hoping that will prevent my crashing rather than quitting me cold turkey on Thursday. So we'll see.....hopefully this whole thing will be better this time around. I'm feeling so much stronger than I was two weeks ago to begin with....and going in three pounds heavier than two weeks ago as well. I was up to 135 this morning, which is 10 pounds up from my all time low.

I'm home, and also saw the ostomy nurse before coming home....have a new kind of bag that has a built in filter, which is supposed to help with the gas in the bag....they also sent me home with two more of the same kind. I told her about the magic button, and she gave me two of those to try too. So I will try and use them, after I use these new bags they gave me. I am healing the skin around the ostomy, and she said the stoma looks really healthy, so that is good too.

So far the cold reaction is 90% better than last time. So far only noticed it mildly in my right had when we walked out to the car, as I didn't have my glove on....but as soon as I put it on it went away. My throat did feel weird when drinking cool water, so I will continue to drink warm or hot beverages. I felt a slight tinge in my jaw when I ate a piece of banana bread....but the went away right away as well. So I have high hopes of it all being so much better this time.....we can only hope. Between that and the new bag, maybe I'm turning the corner with that too! Keep those thoughts and prayers coming my way! My prayers is:
"Dear God, bless all my friends and special family members in whatever it is that you know they may need this day. And may their lives be full of peace, prosperity and power on their journey through life and their efforts to have a closer relationship with you.” Love and prayers, m


  1. Glad round two is starting so positively...Love you and thank you for your prayers!!

  2. m, Sounds like you got a lot better time of it this round. Hope the chemo does it's job and the "bag" behaves it's self. Keep hanging in there, know that thoughts and prayers continue for you from the Hot Springs, love, Jeanie
