Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thunder and Pouring Rain

I think I must have SAD, it's grey and it actually thundered and poured rain this morning, I'm still in my pjs and doing nothing. I have to get dressed for a lunch date, thank goodness, or I'd be in my jamies all day. Some one suggested I sing, but the only song that came to mind was "Rain, Rain, go away, Come again another day".
Maybe getting out of the house will help....I know some great conversation and laughs will help. I strongly dislike rainy days!! (I'm getting in practice for next week when my son and granddaughter Presley will be with me for chemo round 3) Can't use the word "hate" in their house, but strongly dislike isn't enough....maybe very strongly dislike will work better. I know that just having them here, even if the sun isn't shining outside, will make it shine in my house!! Presley will keep me smiling all week. Sorry Tom, you will too!
So I'm off to get dressed and turn this day around. Love and prayers, m


  1. Some days we need to stay in our jammies, and curl up under a feather-comforter, and drink tea or hot chocolate, and read a good book between naps, and just recharge without any guilt.

  2. Getting dressed and going out for lunch helped! But I agree, some days in jammies aren't all bad.
