Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wow, the sun is still shining, even though they predict Rain!

It's not going to Rain on my parade....I'm doing well still this a.m., had a good nite sleep, only got up twice and went right back to sleep. I did have an hour of last nite where I couldn't keep my eyes open on the couch, but it didn't effect me as far as sleeping last nite, and I have been able to work on the diarrhea that seems to hit me each Friday of chemo week, with Imodium, worked most of the day yesterday, but needed to take more this morning. Also had a blow out with my bag again this morning....that is a work in progress....but slowly but surely I will master it.
Got a nice long email from a former co-worker and dear friend Mary #1. Yes Mary we need to get together soon....I'll email you.
No big plans for the day....sadly Janet is leaving to go back home, confident her job is done for the week, and I think I have some laundry to do....but need to find something fun, other than cleaning a closet or some dumb thing like that.
Love to hear from all of you, keep those comments coming, either email or facebook, or on my are my life keep me happy when skys are are my sunshine. Love and prayers, m


  1. Sounds like you're doing much better than the first time!!! Also, it sounds like Tom and Pres are going to come for your third round! I lost out on "rock, paper, scissors". So I guess you get to beat him at Blockus :)

  2. Love you too! I'm sure Presley and I can find some crafts to work on while I make Tom help me clean closets and work on ebay stuff. Sorry though that you lost, maybe you can save that vacation for an even better time together. Love you lots, mom

  3. HI, Just catching up on your blogs, glad to hear you are doing well. Dad is still improving, so that is good. I know mom filled you in. I hope annie is doing ok. I texted her, waiting to here back. Continue to feel good. love you, Carrie
