Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Weekend

I hope you are all busy having fun and not expecting to read my blog, as I took the day off yesterday and just had a great day with family at the cabin. Phil and Jason even stopped in....taking a break from fishing and left me enough for lunch one day. Health wise I am doing fine, and nothing to report there.
Today, we will hurry back to the city, have a small birthday lunch to celebrate Tom and Kim's birthdays.....then we'll head downtown to the Twins game. It's an evening game, but we will spend the afternoon before the game checking out the new stadium etc. The whole family will be together at the Twins that will be fun as well.
Tomorrow, Tom and family will come back up to the cabin, as their kids are done with school and won't head back to Chicago till Tuesday morning. If you don't hear much from me, it's because I'm too busy having fun. Love and prayers, m

Friday, May 28, 2010

What a Day!

Sorry I'm late in posting today, but I left home at 6:45 to come to the cabin and get to work. Things just haven't gone our way today, the mower we had at the cabin froze up, and the one Jimbo brought with him wouldn't start. So by 9 a.m. I was in Annandale buying a new lawn mower. When I returned the county planning board were all here and just leaving having surveyed the lot and finding more problems with what we had. But we'll have to wait till next Friday to see how they rule. Then I wanted the hot water heater turned on and so we started to fill the tank, and all of a sudden there was water shooting all through the crawl space under the cabin. I guess the hot water pipe leading to the kitchen sink had burst over the winter. So I guess we won't have hot water this weekend....I'll be heating it on the stove like the old days!
I'm feeling fine, had a great time last nite with Rosie and a small group at the birthday bash. My birds are all fed, and the flowers are watered, and it's time for lunch. Hope the rest of the day goes better. Love and prayers, m

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Another Beautiful Day

The sun is shining and I'm feeling well. I seemed to be hungry all day....I suppose making up for the weight I lost the day before, so the scale seems to have held and I didn't drop any lower. Just losing 3 lbs total this round of chemo. Not bad! With only one round left, I don't think I'll have any problem coming out strong. Less than a week away, I'm starting to get anxious for it to be over.
Your prayers have helped me so much, and I know they will get me through to the end. I'll be Spotless!
Yesterday I sat at the track for 5 hours, and finally cried uncle at 9:15 and missed the most exciting race of the day. Close to 10 p.m. Kim called with the news that Katie's 4 X 400 relay team had taken first place in a close race, and set a school record. I felt bad that I had left....but I was cold and stiff and hungry for something other than the snack food I had packed to munch on. The Colie, Allie and Katie all placed in several of their events, and I hear Tommy's 6th grade 4 X 400 relay ended up in 3rd place as well. It was a good day at the track...Long....but good.
Today I need to get organized for the weekend, as I'll go to the cabin early tomorrow morning and don't know when I'll be home, other than on Sunday for the Twins game that the whole family will be going to. I need to shop and pack this morning, cause I'm going out for dinner to celebrate Rosie's birthday, my former boss, and party with all my college friends. Busy day, but one that should be fun. Hope you have a happy day too! Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

The sun is shining, the humidity has dropped, and I'm feeling well. I did have a bout with diarrhea yesterday and a little light-headedness that I think goes a long with that. So I have lost a few pounds but nothing to get upset about, as I know I can put it back on in the next week before I start my 8th round of chemo (and hopefully last).
I had my hair cut and colored yesterday, and Jan (friend and beautician) noticed that my hair was thinning a bit. (Annie had noticed that a few days ago too.) But the color and cut did help make it look a little fuller. They had told me before the chemo that my hair might thin, but I wouldn't lose it all. With only one round left, I'm guessing I will be fine and start growing it back soon.
Yesterday afternoon, I got an email from my son Jimbo, saying that his friend Ric Zwack had a heart attack and was in surgery to have a stint put in. So I hope you will all keep Ric and his family in your prayers. He did come through the surgery well, and I am going to see him today. I'm still in disbelief that someone as young as that and in what I thought was good shape would have a heart attack and have a blockage that needed a stint.
Besides the hospital visit, I'll be at the district track meet for the 4 grand kids in middle school track. Hoping they all do well. Hope you all have a great day as well, love and prayers, m

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunny, Sunny Day!

The sun is shining, and the sky is blue, so I'm feeling great. It will be a quiet day, having my hair done, and granddaughter Katie needs a ride this evening, and then I'll be home to watch the Biggest Loser finale. Can't wait....I'm sure I'll be on the phone with Janet most of the commercials!
I went to the cabin yesterday, and feed my birds....those nasty squirrels had torn down two of the feeders and something had tipped over one of my flower boxes, so I need to buy another pack of inpatients to replant it. Also discovered a dead tree had fallen in front of the travel trailer on the back lot, and there is another just as dead that hasn't fallen, but needs to come down as well. Grass was knee high and the weeds are running a muck in my garden. So lots of work to do up there. The boys will be working on it Friday and Saturday, along with pulling up those pavers and planting the seed on the hill. It just never ends! But the birds singing, and the wrens nesting in my bird house, and the view from the deck while sitting in the sun makes up for all of that. Hope you have a great day, love and prayers, m

Monday, May 24, 2010

Come Holy Spirit!

Yesterday was a very emotional morning for me at church as it was Pentecost, I found it hard to even sing some of the songs without getting choked up. The words of a prayer I often said as a child kept running through my head "Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of the faithful and inspire in them the fire of thy love." and the words of the final song "Go and change the world". Years ago when I was sick and survived, I kept saying God wasn't through with me yet, and I guess he still isn't. I must have work to do. I don't know if I can change the whole world....but I can change my I guess the Spirit must be pushing me to get to work! I certainly felt the Spirit working in me.
I did have a nice day, shopping with Annie and Matthew....then picking up Allie from hockey and shopping some more. Showed Annie all the bathroom fixtures I'd like to put in the cabin and looking at tile for the floor etc. Then moving to the garden shop and finding seed and netting to hold it on the hill etc. to hopefully appease the county and their concerns about that path around the hill. We've plans to pull up the pavers and some decking the end of this week, which should bring our percent of square footage of covered ground down to 25% or lets hope we'll pass the muster on June 4.
My weight and strength and sleeping all seem to be holding....but tomorrow will tell the tale....I only took 1/2 of the steroid today.....yesterday only 1 (instead of 2) so the weaning will be over, and if I'm going to loose energy it will be tomorrow that I'll be napping. Luckily I only have a hair appointment planned for Tuesday....and dinner out tonight. I may even take a run to the cabin this morning, and feed the birds...just for the fun of it. Hope you all have a good day, the sun is shining but they are predicting record highs (92) as well as humidity. Happy Hot Day! m

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wondering Where the Gorgeous Weekend Went?

The sun did come out for a few hours late yesterday afternoon, and right now we have 75 degree's and tropical humidity. It's going to warm well into the 80's, but they think this will just lead to storms later today. So now the question I go to the cabin this afternoon or not? We'll see what it looks like after church.
I am feeling well, slept good again last night and the scale hasn't dropped at all (well it had last night about 6 pounds which blew my mind, and then I realized that the edge of the scale was pushed up against the wall and not my real wait, so once I moved it....I was 6 pounds Good trick if you want to lose wait!
We'll see what the day brings, hopefully only good things! Love and prayers, m

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Promise of a Better Day!

Supposed to be a much nicer day, warmer and brighter, but right now it looks like rain, maybe a storm nicking us in the Northwest area of the metro in the next couple of hours but the weather lady says it will clear and then maybe come back overnight. So I think I'll wait and go to the cabin tomorrow, and feed my birds and water my flowers if they need it....and just relax.
I got unplugged yesterday, so I won't feel the lag in energy till about Monday or Tuesday, cause I get weaned off the meds till Monday. So far that is not a problem, I slept better the last two nights, and the tingling in my fingers has lessened as the week went on. So feeling a lot better as a whole. Still working on the cabin problems, hoping we can still start the project this summer, but there are a lot of if's to consider. We'll see what the contractor thinks the timeline will be. Then make the decision at that time. So for now I guess I can't worry about it....or try not to. I'm trying to think positive.
Today I think I'll work on those gardens that I was supposed to earlier in the week, but didn't! But if it does rain, I guess I'll put it off again to another day. I also have to go get some groceries to take with me to the lake. So hopefully it will be a better day! Love and prayers, m

Friday, May 21, 2010

Waiting for the Sun to Come Out...Promised by Noon

Not a good day so far....have to go get unplugged now so I'll get back later and explain! m

Went to the Wright County Planning Board Meeting this morning early (had to leave home at 7:30 a.m.) and then did not get approval for the variance as we will be over 25% of the lot in impermeable coverage, so we have to make some changes and come back in two weeks after tearing up about 800 pavers and some decking we had placed on the lake front area where our fire pit was. So that puts at least 2 weeks off our schedule which we wanted to be mostly done by the 4th of July. So now I have to make the decision if I want it torn up and only half done by the 4th....or but the whole project off till Fall.
I had lunch with the retiree's and wannabees this afternoon after getting unplugged from my chemo pump.....and vented to a bunch of friends and heard other horror stories about other counties codes and variances and I am feeling a little better...but the sun is still not shinning and it's still threatening to my stress and anger level has come down a little, but the sun would sure help my mood. So sorry this email isn't as upbeat as usual...I'm sure the sun will come out tomorrow, and I know can't worry about things I have no control we'll take up the pavers and get some sod, to make them happy, and hopefully we'll get the variance on June 4. Love and prayers, m

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Round Seven, Day 2

Time passes so fast except when you are lying in bed and can't fall asleep. I was awake past 4 a.m. this morning, after going to bed at 10:45 p.m. I even got up twice and took meds to help me sleep, and on top of it all, I woke up at my normal time. Ughhh!
It is going to be a gorgeous day again today, such a change from last week, when I was freezing to death watching a track meet, it was near 80 yesterday while I watched. All the girls ran well, Allie taking first in all her events, Katie running her personal best in the 1600m race, and Nicole taking first in the 100 by a lot....I think she is taking after her mom. Tommy ran in 3 events, but unfortunately didn't fare as well as the girls.
While I was laying in bed last night I did a lot of redesigning of the new addition, mostly of the new bathroom, and today I'm going to look for vanities....I think I'll hit Menards, Lowes and Home Depot. Also have to work in the yard again this afternoon, and finish the laundry I started yesterday. So lots to do.
Tomorrow I get to go to the Wright Co. planning board to hopefully get that permit, and all my plans will start in action. Keep those fingers crossed and prayers coming. Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Round 7 Day 1

Another gorgeous day, and I'm sitting in a lounge chair attached to a IV pole, getting my chemo....when I could or should be sitting in the sun. Not really complaining, as after this I only have one more to go! So only another 2 weeks and I'm out of here! That is my goal, and I know you have all been praying hard that that will happen.
Yesterday I worked in the back garden and vacuumed up a ton of leaves, and they are looking pretty good. Only problem is it also pumped a bunch of dust into the air and now my allergies are running amuck.
Last evening I went to the "Look Good, Feel Better" workshop, and came home with a bag full of comestics. They said about $400 worth. That is if you actually bought those high priced products. In real life I buy Mary Kay at a discount from my daughter-in-law, but even so would have probably cost well over $100 for it all. Was a fun evening, and had conversations and sharing with several other cancer patients.
Janet and I were both running late this morning, and I only arrived 15 minutes before my scheduled appointment with Dr. Londer and ended up sitting in the waiting room 45 minutes before I went in for my blood work that they have to do before seeing the doctor, and then it was another 1/2 hour before actually seeing him, and by the time I got to the chemo area, they were looking for me, as I was one hour late for my appointment. So it is now 1 p.m. and I'll probably be here another hour. Just so I'm out of here by 3, as I have a track meet to get to at 4 p.m....four of the grandkids will be running.
All is well, thank you for the prayers, love, m

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Another Beautiful Day

Yesterday was so beautiful and today is starting out the same way, minus the lake view. I got my planting all done put up a few more bird feeders and then headed back home around 2:30. Stopped on my way home and watched Jack play ball and got to visit with Jimbo, Ann, her mom Susie and stepdad Alan and baby Emma....they were all there watching too!
Today I think I will work on the yard again....still have lots to do....and this evening I'm going to American Cancer Assoc. program called "Look good, Feel better". I think I already look good, but I hear that cosmetic companies give you a lot of free stuff.
Nothing new to report, other than the request for prayers for Denise's friend who is having surgery today! Love and prayers, m

Monday, May 17, 2010

Prayer Request from Denise Groll

HI Mary: I have a prayer request for a very special friend, who like
you, is dealing with cancer. Crystal, in her early 40's, was diagnosed
with a type of sarcoma cancer, in the tissue surrounding her left
ankle. The cancer is rare as it usually affects young children.
Crystal was diagnosed on January 22 and has undergone chemo for the
past couple months, but the tumor didn't shrink enough to remove it.
She will be having her left leg amputated below the knee on Tuesday,
May 18th (tomorrow) so could you please add her to your prayer list and
ask our very large family, to keep her in their prayers too. Crystal
is very optimistic and expects to be living her "new normal", cancer
free, life by mid summer and walking on the beach in South Carolina
where they live and she grew up.

PS I sent you a little card today and lit a candle at the Old Mission
in Santa Barbara for you and Crystal. I hope all is well and you are
continuing to make positive strides, so that you can live a "spotless"
Love you and thank you a bunch.
Denise and Tom

Glorious Morning!

I'm sipping my coffee and watching the birds come to my feeders (even orioles) as the sun comes over the hill and onto the glass-like lake surface. It couldn't be much better than this! I planted all the flowers I brought with me yesterday afternoon, but need to go to town and get some more this morning. I spent most of the day all alone, but around 6 p.m. the neighbors to my south stopped in to see their new cabin and sat out on their deck, but when I went to visit, they were gone again. So their place must not be ready for sleeping yet. Then around 9 p.m. I heard car doors and people talking, and realized it was the neighbors to the north, who live in Norway....I'm assuming it was them. I'll find out this morning. They do plan on moving back to Minnesota this summer.
As you can see, I am feeling great. The Son is shining his light on me, and His blessings are abundant. Love and prayers, m

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cabin Fever Strikes Again

When the sun is shining it is hard to fight the need to be at the cabin. So once I do church I'm packing up and going up today.
I got on the scale this morning and gained a couple of pounds, so a sign I'm on the upswing again, and should be ready on Wednesday for that next round of chemo.
I worked hard yesterday planting lots of flowers and herbs here at home, continuing the clean up of the gardens that Annie started a few weeks ago. Today I'll do the same at the cabin. It was so warm....I was even sweating!! Love that sunshine! Also had many birds come to my feeder yesterday.....have a cardinal that came back at least six times throughout the day. Also have seen a pair of goldfinch....first time in Coon Rapids. I get birds all the time at the cabin, but my new birdfeeder in Coon Rapids has now expanded my birdwatching to my home as well. Thanks Bill and Kim. Love and prayers, m

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lovin the Sunshine

Great day yesterday, lunched and talked with Judy for about 3 hours. Thankfully the restaurant wasn't in any hurry to get rid of us either. Janet even joined us for about an hour and added some laughter to the day. Then last evening I got to play with Matthew. Always great conversations with him as well.
I think today I'll work on the yard here at home.....and then go to the cabin tomorrow after church and spend the night up there. I had thought about going today, but need to be here for church tomorrow so I couldn't stay overnight. The weather report looks good for all three days, so I should be able to get my flowers planted in both locations.
I got on the scale this morning, and I am still holding strong. The sun is shining so I feel strong and people tell me I look thank you for all the thoughts and prayers....they are working. Love and prayers, m

Friday, May 14, 2010

Here Comes the Sun!

Hurrah!!! The sun is shining this morning. I can't tell you how much better I feel when the sun is shining. Was sitting here just enjoying the day waking up, when a garbage truck shook me into reality.....I hadn't put out my garbage cans last in my jamies I rushed out and got them to the curb. So now I'm really awake!!
Yesterday was also a better day than the day before, and I enjoyed lunch with Laurie a former office mate, and talked about all the happenings at the college, family and the new addition at the cabin. Then last evening I was proud to attend a celebration of Academic Excellence, that four of my Coon Rapids middle school grandkids (1-6th grade, 1-7th grade and 2-8th graders) were honored for being on the A honor roll. Then Nicole and Katie both were additionally awarded for being Three Year Academic Excellence Award Winners. To top it off, they were both one of eight nominated for the Optimist Club Outstanding Young Women award, and Katie got the honor. Unfortunately they couldn't both win. (Left to Right in picture: Nicole, Katie and Allie...sorry Tommy I don't have a picture with you in it.) Congratulations to them all.
Today I have a lunch date with cousin Judy. So I need to jump into the shower. Oh, I've held my weight for two days now, so I am back on the upswing of this round of chemo. Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Another Gloomy Day

I can't say yesterday was exactly a good day for me....I had several problems....mixed in with periods of reading my book. As the weather was yukky yesterday....I spent most of the morning reading my book, and finally plied myself out of my chair and decided to scrub the kitchen floor (which was in dire need) and generally clean the kitchen, I managed that with some heavy breathing and quickly positioned myself back in the chair reading my book. Only getting up for food or drink....or to deal with constance and her diarrhea and ballooning with gas....but as the afternoon wore on and it wasn't exactly raining, I decided I would venture out to the track meet and see the grandkids run. I showered and put on some warm clothes (it was only in the 40's) and headed off to the high school, umbrella and blanket in hand....bundled up like it was January. Got to watch Katie and Tommy run their 1 mile races and then it started to sprinkle, and I retreated to the car....with the promise that Bill would call me when Nicole and Allie's races were starting. So I huddled in the car reading my book till I got the phone call to return to the bleachers. Did get to see Nicole and Allie both anchor their 4 X 200 races successfully to a first place finish, but by then my fingers were reacting so badly to the cold (side effect of the chemo) that I couldn't get them to stop tingling or from getting worse. It's like frostbite and no matter that I had on gloves and my hands in my pockets, and I kept moving and rubbing them, it wouldn't go sadly I had to run back to the car, turn the heater on and warm them there. I decided going home was my only took at least another 10 minutes of holding them up to the heat vent in the car to get them to stop tingling. Hopefully next Wednesday it will be a warm day, and I will be able to watch the whole track meet. After retreating home, I again went back to my chair with my book, and hardly moved out till the book was done at about 11 was a great book and the last of a 3 book series that swissy cousin Karen sent me for Christmas (as it won't be released in USA till May 20th). After sending book 3 Kathleen and Karen informed me that I couldn't read 3 till I read 1 and 2.....both about 700 page books.....not usually my style....but since they so highly recommended them, I began the task in Florida this spring and so glad I did.....well worth the read. If you get the chance check out Steig Larsson's series starting with "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo".
Had a call about the cabin also yesterday, and we have to figure out how to get rid of some impermiable space before we get our permit. So I spent several hours in bed trying to figure out that. Finally got up and took one of the pills they gave me to help me sleep. So all in all, yesterday wasn't one of my best.
Today is still dark and damp....but we are told....the sun will come out tomorrow....we can only hope. Love, m

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Still Complaining about the Weather!

Cold, clouds and rain seem to persist, but I'm working hard not to let it get me down. I managed 3 loads of wash yesterday and went out to a movie with my friends Bonnie and Lois. We picked "Date Nite" so we'd be sure to be did the trick! I did get a number of pages read in my book, but still have a way to go with that.....I'm sure today's grayness will give me plenty chance for that. I was supposed to go to a middle school track meet to watch 3 of the granddaughters and a grandson compete, but if it's raining, I don't think I'll make that.... I do have a colorectal support group meeting that I could go to. Doesn't sound as much fun as the track meet, but may very well be where I end up.
I am down another pound again this morning, due to diarrhea I had last nite, but Imodium seemed to have halted that quickly. My energy level seems to be high, and I'm eating well. So now if the sun would just come out I'd be thrilled. Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rain Drops Keep Falling

I think the weather person was right when he said May is the April we didn't have.....but I'd rather they kept their proper order! It's supposed to be warmer! Nighttime 20's is really March weather. I've had to keep my new flowers in the garage and they say it's going to be cold and wet till Friday.....uggghhhhh!!
However yesterday was a very nice day despite the rain. My friend Jan and I went out to the Mall of America early so we could do some shopping. She was looking for a new outfit, but I did all the buying. I had a few great coupons, and managed to score at New York & Co. Got a bunch of stuff already on clearance and unbelievable low price and then with my coupon I cut it in half! So that made me really happy. I love bargain shopping.
Then while walking through Nordstrom to but my packages away before dinner, saw and greeted Burt Blyleven (former Twins color man for their televised games). He was waiting for I assume his wife sitting in a chair across from "Point of View" a woman's clothing department.
Finally we met Cherie and Barb the other half of the Birthday Bunch for dinner at Crave. Really good food, but we quickly realized we could have ordered half as much and all been full. As it was we all got lunch for today to take home.
Conversations were great and loved the small gifts we exchanged....we always come up with great ideas and treasure them. Barb even made us personalized bookmarks that are so cute, and then gave us a box of Penzeys Spices along with a catalog filled with recipes for grilling. Yum!
Cherie shared pictures of her youngest granddaughter (Mary) who is one.....OMG she looks exactly like her mom. Exactly!!!! What a cutie.
We've been friends so long, I love having these great strong loving women in my life. Even though we don't get to see each other as often, we are able to fall right in line with life stories (well almost we get older the mind seems to be going on some of us, no names mentioned).
My weight seems to have held yesterday...I did a better job of eating all day, and keeping those fluids flowing. I slept well last nite, and all is well.
Today I may go to a early afternoon movie with my friend Bonnie and maybe Lois, but other than that is will be another quiet day of reading the last of a 3 book series that I can't set down.
Love and prayers, m