Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Round Six, Day One

And it is a windy, sunny day. I'm on my way to get hooked up for the next two days of chemo, and my friend Rita Culshaw (the quilt maker) is coming to take me. I'll report more later in the day.
Yesterday I had two occasions to visit with old friends and co-workers. A luncheon date with three others who started at the college about the same period of time, 3 of us worked in the same office. Then yesterday afternoon, I went to a retirement party of another women from the college. It was her last day and we all went to Billy's in Anoka and celebrated with her.
I'll come back and write more this afternoon, got to get dressed! Love and prayers, m

The Spirit is still blowing in the wind, and the sky is dropping tears as it starts to rain...Frank passed peacefully at 1:40 p.m. today. As the gray clouds are swiftly moving across the sky a brief ray of Sonshine shone through my window. I know he's with all our parents and grandparents and friends that have gone before him, and they are welcoming Frank with open arms. I imagine they are having a great party right now!! Leaving us behind to grieve....and hopefully do some remembering and storytelling and laughing too as we celebrate his life. We'll miss you Frank. Love, m

1 comment:

  1. Keeping you (your spots) in my prayers.

    My deepest sympathy and condolences to the Vermuelen family. My heart aches for Judy and her children/grandchildren.

    Love, Kim Weimer
