Thursday, May 20, 2010

Round Seven, Day 2

Time passes so fast except when you are lying in bed and can't fall asleep. I was awake past 4 a.m. this morning, after going to bed at 10:45 p.m. I even got up twice and took meds to help me sleep, and on top of it all, I woke up at my normal time. Ughhh!
It is going to be a gorgeous day again today, such a change from last week, when I was freezing to death watching a track meet, it was near 80 yesterday while I watched. All the girls ran well, Allie taking first in all her events, Katie running her personal best in the 1600m race, and Nicole taking first in the 100 by a lot....I think she is taking after her mom. Tommy ran in 3 events, but unfortunately didn't fare as well as the girls.
While I was laying in bed last night I did a lot of redesigning of the new addition, mostly of the new bathroom, and today I'm going to look for vanities....I think I'll hit Menards, Lowes and Home Depot. Also have to work in the yard again this afternoon, and finish the laundry I started yesterday. So lots to do.
Tomorrow I get to go to the Wright Co. planning board to hopefully get that permit, and all my plans will start in action. Keep those fingers crossed and prayers coming. Love and prayers, m

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