Friday, May 14, 2010

Here Comes the Sun!

Hurrah!!! The sun is shining this morning. I can't tell you how much better I feel when the sun is shining. Was sitting here just enjoying the day waking up, when a garbage truck shook me into reality.....I hadn't put out my garbage cans last in my jamies I rushed out and got them to the curb. So now I'm really awake!!
Yesterday was also a better day than the day before, and I enjoyed lunch with Laurie a former office mate, and talked about all the happenings at the college, family and the new addition at the cabin. Then last evening I was proud to attend a celebration of Academic Excellence, that four of my Coon Rapids middle school grandkids (1-6th grade, 1-7th grade and 2-8th graders) were honored for being on the A honor roll. Then Nicole and Katie both were additionally awarded for being Three Year Academic Excellence Award Winners. To top it off, they were both one of eight nominated for the Optimist Club Outstanding Young Women award, and Katie got the honor. Unfortunately they couldn't both win. (Left to Right in picture: Nicole, Katie and Allie...sorry Tommy I don't have a picture with you in it.) Congratulations to them all.
Today I have a lunch date with cousin Judy. So I need to jump into the shower. Oh, I've held my weight for two days now, so I am back on the upswing of this round of chemo. Love and Prayers, m

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