Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Round 7 Day 1

Another gorgeous day, and I'm sitting in a lounge chair attached to a IV pole, getting my chemo....when I could or should be sitting in the sun. Not really complaining, as after this I only have one more to go! So only another 2 weeks and I'm out of here! That is my goal, and I know you have all been praying hard that that will happen.
Yesterday I worked in the back garden and vacuumed up a ton of leaves, and they are looking pretty good. Only problem is it also pumped a bunch of dust into the air and now my allergies are running amuck.
Last evening I went to the "Look Good, Feel Better" workshop, and came home with a bag full of comestics. They said about $400 worth. That is if you actually bought those high priced products. In real life I buy Mary Kay at a discount from my daughter-in-law, but even so would have probably cost well over $100 for it all. Was a fun evening, and had conversations and sharing with several other cancer patients.
Janet and I were both running late this morning, and I only arrived 15 minutes before my scheduled appointment with Dr. Londer and ended up sitting in the waiting room 45 minutes before I went in for my blood work that they have to do before seeing the doctor, and then it was another 1/2 hour before actually seeing him, and by the time I got to the chemo area, they were looking for me, as I was one hour late for my appointment. So it is now 1 p.m. and I'll probably be here another hour. Just so I'm out of here by 3, as I have a track meet to get to at 4 p.m....four of the grandkids will be running.
All is well, thank you for the prayers, love, m

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