Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lovin the Sunshine

Great day yesterday, lunched and talked with Judy for about 3 hours. Thankfully the restaurant wasn't in any hurry to get rid of us either. Janet even joined us for about an hour and added some laughter to the day. Then last evening I got to play with Matthew. Always great conversations with him as well.
I think today I'll work on the yard here at home.....and then go to the cabin tomorrow after church and spend the night up there. I had thought about going today, but need to be here for church tomorrow so I couldn't stay overnight. The weather report looks good for all three days, so I should be able to get my flowers planted in both locations.
I got on the scale this morning, and I am still holding strong. The sun is shining so I feel strong and people tell me I look thank you for all the thoughts and prayers....they are working. Love and prayers, m

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