Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Still Complaining about the Weather!

Cold, clouds and rain seem to persist, but I'm working hard not to let it get me down. I managed 3 loads of wash yesterday and went out to a movie with my friends Bonnie and Lois. We picked "Date Nite" so we'd be sure to be did the trick! I did get a number of pages read in my book, but still have a way to go with that.....I'm sure today's grayness will give me plenty chance for that. I was supposed to go to a middle school track meet to watch 3 of the granddaughters and a grandson compete, but if it's raining, I don't think I'll make that.... I do have a colorectal support group meeting that I could go to. Doesn't sound as much fun as the track meet, but may very well be where I end up.
I am down another pound again this morning, due to diarrhea I had last nite, but Imodium seemed to have halted that quickly. My energy level seems to be high, and I'm eating well. So now if the sun would just come out I'd be thrilled. Love and prayers, m

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