This morning I woke up to one more birthday wish from Mike and Pandora, as they wanted my birthday celebration to continue another day!! I certainly plan on that, which brought back the memory of my dad....we always joked that his birthday was a holy day of obligation and you celebrate 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after....I kinda feel that way about mine too!
Yesterday was great as all of you wished for me. We gathered at the cabin and got right to work. Everything I had on my list got completed, and more. Then we ate dinner and worked some-more. Cake, ice cream and presents ended the party. The grandkids worked as hard as the adults, and we couldn't have done it without them. We had a large pile of pavers that they had to carry and stack in a new location, and I never heard a complaint for anyone. Jack even limped around with his sprained ankle, and I didn't hear him mention it. I'll post some pictures later.
When I got home, the Chicago Kieckers skyped me and sang Happy Birthday to me too! So fun to be able to see them as well as hear them.....skyping is awesome! So are the Chicago Kieckers.
Late in the evening I got word from cousin Ed that his sister Rita had a heart attack on Friday, and was going to have a stint put in today. Rita I think is the youngest cousin or close if a heart attack is the last thing I expected to hear about her. So please keep her and her family in your prayers. I know the Cousins must be in overtime praying this week....but I also know God and all our parents, aunts and uncles are listening and working hard sending blessings to us all.
Today I await Janet's arrival, and then we are shopping for food supplies to take out to the Vermuelen house as they gather for the weeks activities and to celebrate Frank's life. When there is pain and sadness we Schieber cousins always bring food! Love and prayers to you all, m
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