Saturday, July 31, 2010

Waiting for the Sun to Come Out!

Woke up early this morning, and the lake was covered in a thick layer of white fog. Couldn't see past the trees in front of the cabin. Makes it seem even more quiet and serene than it already is. Slowly but surely the fog has dissipated, and I can now see the weed patch across the lake and it's getting brighter, like the sun is burning it's way through. Soon I expect to see the sun.
Most of the day yesterday I read, and continued to read till about 11:30 last night but still was about 30 pages short of finishing my book. ("The Help" by Kathryn Stockett) So this morning being so quiet, I picked it back up as soon as I ate my breakfast and finished it. It came highly recommended by my sister and my daughter-in-law Karen, and I really liked it too! By the way, it's Karen's birthday today, Happy Birthday!!!
Now that I'm finished reading, I don't have any plans for the day. I'll just take it as it comes I guess. The sheet rocker is back working, so it isn't so quiet now. Being by myself with nobody to talk to, is a challenge for me. Gives me lots of time to talk to the birds and mom and God. Love and prayers, m

Friday, July 30, 2010

Rain or Shine?

This morning started out with a few rays of sun, but quickly got swallowed up by clouds and a few darker or rain bearing ones slipped in. By the looks of the radar, it won't be a all day least I hope not.
All my plans for yesterday got changed, and I ended up staying at the cabin and reading....just me and Kenny the sheet rocker....who is putting in long hours in hopes of getting this job done by next Tuesday. It was a beautiful evening, and I'm enjoying the book I'm reading. I think it is going to be a quiet word that I will have any company till on Sunday evening when I will be heading back home myself.
Life is good, no raccoon visits last nite! Maybe they have taken my diner off their list of favorites. I'll keep you in my prayers, please keep me in yours, m

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stinky Situation

We've been having trouble with a batch of raccoons, so Jimbo and Doug bought a live trap and set it up last night. Unfortunately we didn't trap any raccoons last night.....but to everyone's surprise we had a skunk! Oh NO!!!!!
At 7 a.m. when the workers wanted to begin work, they didn't want to come near the cabin in fear of being sprayed. They woke Jimbo up and told him he had a problem. Luckily the builder volunteered to get his 22 and shoot it for us. Then Jimbo had to dispose of it. There will be no more live trapping here! I'll just have to stop feeding the birds for a while in hopes the raccoons forget about getting their bedtime snacks here and waking me at 3 a.m. in the process.
Other than all that excitement, the sheet rockers finished the upstairs yesterday, and they are working on the downstairs now. The siding is going on today as well. So I'll be taking some pictures and adding them this afternoon.
As for me, I'm doing well. It's a beautiful day, the lake is calm, but I can't hear the birds for the noise of the construction. But soon it will be done. I'm going into town this afternoon, and will be back tomorrow, I am always excited to see how much has been accomplished when I'm gone. Till then I continue to feel your love and prayers, and I thank you, m

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Calm after the Storm

What a beautiful morning, although, I was rudely awaken by the insulators at 7 a.m.. The heat and humidity left with the storm last night and the lake has just a mild ripple to it. I even had to grab for covers during the night.

The insulators are spraying under the old cabin this morning, and then I think the attic will get it next, and then the inspector comes at 1 p.m. and the sheet rocking can start. I'd take pictures for you, but nothing would look any different yet....maybe this evening. Hope to be painting by the end of next week.

Had a rough night sleeping as well, the silly raccoons were back looking for food in my bird feeders which I purposely left empty yesterday when I even though there was nothing for them to eat they were reeking havoc. I think we are going to have to live trap them and hall them away. I have a mother and five little ones running around....although I only saw three last night.

It's Allie's birthday today, so she is bringing her friends to the cabin for tubing and waterskiing etc. It should be a fun afternoon. Happy Birthday Allie!!! Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head!

But the sun will come out soon, and then they are predicting storms this evening, and a beautiful day again tomorrow, so there is always tomorrow to look forward to. I think I will pack up and go back to the cabin shortly anyway. I have a hard time staying away with all the changes going on. Will take pictures!

I had my hair done yesterday, and then went to lunch with my friend Lois, and then stopped at the car wash, and then did three-loads of wash, so it was no wonder I was crashing my 3 p.m. I had to take a nap and then by 9 p.m. I was yawning and couldn't keep my eyes open, but forced myself to stay up till 10:30 anyway. It was day six of my last round of chemo and my normal crash day, so I wasn't surprised at all.

Talked to Janet this a.m. for an hour before writing this post, but have set up my trip to Mayo with her. She will go with me again for my two-three day stint. Only two days of appointments, but the first one is at 6:10 a.m. (followed by a 9:15 and a 3 p.m.), so we will go down on Monday afternoon and mess around in Rochester for the evening, so I don't have to get up at 3 a.m. and drive down on Tuesday. Then we will return home on Tuesday late afternoon, and drive back again on Wednesday, cause I don't have to be back till 10:30 on Wednesday, and have two more doctors to see then. Other than the early morning blood work, all the other appointments are just consults with 4 different doctors, (oncologist, 2 surgeons and a radiologist) no tests, no fasting, no cleansing preps! It should all be more tolerable than the last time.
Well enough for today, love and prayers, m

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunshine on my Shoulder Makes me Happy!

What a beautiful morning. The lake is like glass and a big Heron is standing on the neighbors raft.
Nothing much happening....we took a long ride around the lake and checked out how many were for sale etc, and all the updating that has been done around the lake.
Annie and I may do some painting on the boathouse front, and I think the guys might do some wiring etc. on the addition for our direct TV.
Had some company yesterday and more's so fun showing off the new addition.
I missed the party at June's yesterday, as I got hopelessly lost as my GPS was stolen last week. I drove around for over an hour and ended back in St. I went left instead of right I could see driving another 2 hours in hopes of getting to North Branch but worried I'd end up back at St. Cloud I drove another 1/2 hour back to the cabin....and finally made it about 2 1/2 hours later.
I got my letter from Mayo, yesterday, and my first appointment will be at 6:10 a.m. followed by 3 more during the day....then another 2 appointments again on the next day. So it looks like I'll be spending the money for a room atleast on Monday nite. Nothing else new. Love and prayers, m

Saturday, July 24, 2010

You are the Sunshine of my Life!

Sitting looking out the window with my coffee, watching the birds and the lake! What a beautiful morning. I am always at peace here, and know you are all with me. Getting unplugged yesterday seemed so freeing, mentally and physically. Now onto the next step....Mayo. Please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
Today I am driving from the cabin to North Branch which is a long June's husbands "70" birthday party. Then another 2 hours back to the cabin. But my kids will have arrived in the meantime, and I will spend the rest of the weekend with them.....hopefully get a pontoon ride in too.
The electrical inspector was here yesterday afternoon, and gave them the go ahead to have the framing inspector on Monday morning, and then start insulating and siding. Hopefully the sheetrock can go up on Wednesday, and the next week we can start painting and trimming and putting in all the finishing touches. There was a time when I thought we'd never get started, and now we are almost done. Yippee! Thanks for the prayers for that too! Love and prayers, m

Friday, July 23, 2010

Last Day of Round 11! and I hope the Last Day of Chemo

View of the new window in Jimbo's bedroom
View from new addition entry way to the old cabin.
New window from the deck
Cut out for entry into new addition from the cabin.

It's a bright sunny morning, and I need to leave and get unplugged shortly....but I just wanted to post a short message to tell you I will be going to the cabin right after I get unplugged and I will take some pictures of the progress and add them later in the day. So come back and look a little later if you don't see any pictures in the posting.
Also as the journey of this chemo trip ends, I really want to thank all of my spot removers, and any others that didn't make the list but I know have been praying for me since January. I know you have carried me through this by the wonderful sunshine that brightened my days and worked so well at getting rid of my spots and did a number on my butt as well! And when the sun wasn't shining I could feel your smiles and hugs and kisses, your notes on facebook, your emails, gifts, cards, and comments on this blog. I don't think I could have done it without all of you. Special thanks to my children and grandkids, Janet, Kathleen and Gary....for keeping me laughing for those that accompanied on the 11 trips to chemo and spent hours visiting, I love you all. Love and prayers, m

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day rwo, round 11

Today's quote: Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear. —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I read this on facebook this morning, and thought I'd like to share it with kinda fits!
Didn't sleep very well last nite....but the sun is shining even though they are talking about a slight chance of storms....I hope I'm to far north for them.
I forgot to mention that yesterday Imelda Neis stopped in to visit while I was getting hooked up to my chemo. She has only one week of radiation left for her breast cancer, and ready to be done too! So please continue to keep her in your prayers.
Took Kathleen and Gary to the airport last night during rush hour.....left home at 4 p.m. and didn't get back home till about 6:20 p.m.... in good traffic I could have done it in about 1:10 ....about half the time it took. The worst part is they are gone. I missed them as soon as they got out of the car. I love having them here, and can't wait for them to return.
Going shopping today for the bathroom in the cabin addition....New vanities and hardware and flooring etc. It's so exciting. I'm going back up I'll have new pictures for you again. Till then, love and prayers, m