It's bright and sunny, and I did not have to schedule another chemo before going to Mayo on August 3. So depending on what happens at Mayo will determine when and if I have to have any more chemo. The doctor also illiminated the chemo drug that causes the cold sensitivety as well as the nuropathy in my feet and hands. So hopefully that will make a big difference as to the side effects I will have from this round of chemo (which is round 11). He did apologize for the misunderstanding about continuing the chemo, but said I just should not have chemo to close to surgery and since my appointment at Mayo is just a restaging right now, I could continue with this round. So here I am! Day 1.
Kathleen came with me this morning, and she continued to tutor me in cribbage....although she just barely beat was only because she got to start the deal! They tell me this is a big advantage, so if I'd have cut the cards better, I may have won.
We then went to Baker's Square for lunch, and after observing the packed house of senior citizens, we asked what was the attraction today.....then we were told that we would get a free piece of pie with our meals, and as we were over 60, we got a 10% discount as well. So Gary got my piece of pie and loved the fresh strawberry pie I brought home for him. His lucky day!
This afternoon, I will drive them out to the airport, and they will take off for Iceland for the next almost two weeks. But when they get back on the 2nd of August will fly by to Utah right away. Then two weeks later will return by plane to Mpls, for Mary Jo and Phil's wedding and will return to camping in their Sprinter Van, to Utah via Glacier National Park and other attractions.
I will miss them so much, as I have throughly enjoyed their company these last few weeks....and look forward to their return. Love and prayers, m
Today's quote: It is possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis. —Margaret Wander Bonanno