Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Calm after the Storm

What a beautiful morning, although, I was rudely awaken by the insulators at 7 a.m.. The heat and humidity left with the storm last night and the lake has just a mild ripple to it. I even had to grab for covers during the night.

The insulators are spraying under the old cabin this morning, and then I think the attic will get it next, and then the inspector comes at 1 p.m. and the sheet rocking can start. I'd take pictures for you, but nothing would look any different yet....maybe this evening. Hope to be painting by the end of next week.

Had a rough night sleeping as well, the silly raccoons were back looking for food in my bird feeders which I purposely left empty yesterday when I even though there was nothing for them to eat they were reeking havoc. I think we are going to have to live trap them and hall them away. I have a mother and five little ones running around....although I only saw three last night.

It's Allie's birthday today, so she is bringing her friends to the cabin for tubing and waterskiing etc. It should be a fun afternoon. Happy Birthday Allie!!! Love and prayers, m

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