Monday, February 14, 2011

Above Normal Temps Bring a Happy Valentines Day!

That means lots of sun!  I can't tell you how much better I feel when it's sunny!!!  Well I guess I've told you that before.....but I really do!  I smile a lot more too!

Yesterday was one of those good days.....I wore my new boots I got at Tom and Karen's Shoe store when I was there last month.....and that made me feel good as well.  Started the morning with church and a chance to see and get hugs from lots of people I hadn't seen since before I left for Florida.  So I got to talk about the trip and  hear about their lives since I left.

After church I ran and got that green thread I needed, a few cards and headed back home to wait for Jimbo to pick me up to go to Wayne's birthday party.  He also picked up Bill, and the three of us went.  They were so glad they went.  It was good to see Gene's side of the family, and they wish they had had more time to visit.  They had lots of good food and a keg of beer, but Jimbo is he couldn't help them much in getting rid of it.  Everything was great....but probably way too much....they'll be eating for a month!

From there Jimbo and I went to Bucky's pizza party.  Tom and Karen had sent pizza to Buck on Friday, and he wanted me to be there when they made it.  So all his family came, all the grandkids and one of Annette's daughters and her two boys as well.  We ate pizza and then took some great pictures.  He really wanted to write a letter to Tom and Karen to thank them, but asked me to thank them for him....I'm sure Annette will send a thank you too!  It was a nice evening.  I felt honored to be there to witness it.  He's looking weaker each day, but still is able to flash that smile.  So keep praying for him and all those grandkids!

So today, I will sew those jackets, and then I will deliver some valentines....spread some of that love!  So wishing you lots of sunshine, smiles and love today!!  Happy Valentines day! Love and prayers, m

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