Thursday, February 10, 2011

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig!

I'll be home before the sunsets....and it's shining brightly into the hotel room here in Hannibal, MO.  We drove through some bad snow yesterday and saw a couple really bad accidents and many cars in the ditch.  Bonnie and I took turns driving white knuckled through it from just north of Nashville to about 50 miles into Illinois heading toward St. Louis.  So all of Kentucky.  Passing Semi's made for an almost white out situation, and speeds of 40's and 50's at times.  But other times we were able to make 65 and were surprised to make it as far as we did by 5:00 p.m.  Looks like we'll be home this afternoon easily.

I know Bucky is home in hospice care and they should be moving cousin Jeannie to rehab today....but I got an email that another North Suburban Women's Club friend would probably not make it through the night.  So please pray for her, and her friends and family.  Mary Ann has fought ovarian cancer for about 4 or 5 years now...I even saw her last month at the play at Lyric Arts.  I can't believe her fight is coming to an end.

As for me, I am ready to be home and out of the car.  But on the whole it was a wonderful trip and I want to thank all the people we stayed with, or visited along the way.  Florida provided lots of sunshine and all of you provided lots of love, laughter and great food.  Love and prayers, m

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