Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sun Shining Brightly!

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day! I've got a wonderful's going to be a great day!  Sorry that may have been a little off key, but the sun makes me sing.

I went to see the new baby girl last night....she is so beautiful.  I'm sure we annoyed her alot!  Annie, Nicole and I were snapping pictures and the flash made her flinch....but she slept through it all.  She is in a special care we could only see her for 10 minutes....and she chose to sleep the whole time.  Evidently she was running a fever when she was born and Carrie had gestation diabetes, so they are watching her closely....but she looks perfect to me!  Carrie and Jason are both glowing!!!  Proud parents!!!

I finally got the repair of my van doors set up for next Monday....and I even got the check to pay for it in the mail from my insurance company.  This is a new insurance company for me, that I've only had for about 18 months, and wasn't sure how good they would be....but I'm sure happy with the response I got with this.  No fighting to get the work done or where I took it etc.  How an insurance company should be!

Used my dryer yesterday too....and it is now heating like it's supposed to.  Also shoveled off my step....the only spot that the snowblower doesn't get....and my driveway is already clear down to the cement in most places.  They say today is also going to be above freezing, so that should take care of the rest of it.  Unfortunately the new snow on the roof will also be melting and dripping on it.  Seems to be a never ending problem!!

Just heard that Buck had a bad night and could use some more of those prayers.  No big plans for the day.  Love and prayers for you all, m

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