Brisk too! But the sun is shining so all is well. There is also a small new coating of white on the driveway that was clean when I came home last night. Don't know where that came from.
Went to the hockey game last night....and of course they WON! 6-1 against North Wright County....I'm thinking St. Michael, Albertville and maybe some other school....not sure. Racheal Bona scored 4 goals, and her parents were sitting in front of that was fun to see their excitement too! So tonight they play the number 1 seeded team Minnetonka....should be another exciting game. I'll be going with Bill and family like I did last night, and I'm sure a bunch of extra girls. In fact we came home last night with one more than we left with. We sat with Annie and Matthew, and he was so good.....played with is DS the whole time....occasionally looking up at the game....oh I guess he did eat some ice cream too. But a 5 year old doesn't really get into the game.
But the big accomplishment of the day was getting my New Dryer!!! I went to Sears Outlet and found one at a good price and then asked what they would charge to deliver and hook it up! $150 are you kidding me. I call my kids!....well I emailed out a plea for help! Within minutes Jimbo called and said he would meet me at Sears in 35 minutes (and he did). We loaded the new dryer in his pickup, got it home and Doug met us there and they carried it down the basement (but had to take the door off the laundry room to get it in) and hooked it up and carried out the old one. We found a place only a few miles away to drop the old one off free....and I even loaded it with my still damp clothes of a few days ago....and it WORKS. HURRAH!!! I called Jimbo and Doug the miracle men!! I didn't really expect it all to happen that quickly, but so happy it did. Then as long as I had them in the house....I had them help me with bringing the card table in for cards next week, and closing the table that I took the leaf out of and couldn't get to close all the way....weakling!!! Just needed a little muscle. Another Big Thank You to Doug and Jimbo!
So today I'll finish cleaning the house (not much left to do) and wrap the prizes for Card Club and then get ready and go to the hockey game.
They are saying Buck will probably hold on a couple more days, but it is really starting to come to the end....he is mostly sleeping...and not any least in long sentences. These last couple of days has really been hard on the family and I would hope that you pray for them.
Didn't get an update on Jeannie yesterday, but hope that no news is good news! Love and prayers, m
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