Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sun Shines Bright....but no singing!

I must have been really off key, cause yesterday ended up not being a very good day....for some reason (I'm thinking I did too much heavy lifting the day before) I had some bleeding from my butt....was able to get it stopped fairly quickly....but it was just like I went to Mayo and had it reamed out....without leaving the house.  Then I went down to get a load of wash out of the newly fixed dryer....and low and behold it wasn't totally I went to turn it on again....and now the drum won't move....and it makes a funny sound.  I just paid 170.00 to have it fixed on Monday and only got one drying out of it.....UUUUUGGGGHHHH!!!
So today, with the advice of my kids I am going dryer shopping.  Not only is there no rest for the wicked....there is no money for her either!!

I did have a few bright spots to my day....Aunt Loretta and Uncle John and Florence both called and talked to me.  John and Florence were waiting for their plane at the airport....coming home from Hawaii...and Aunt Loretta had to tell me that she was in the hospital again this weekend....I guess her blood pressure was acting up....but she sounded great yesterday.  And Janet sent me a couple of pictures of Jeannie....she looked really happy and even one of her standing up.  She is working hard to regain all her strength.

I also got a call from Jimbo and Bucky is not doing good at all.  Sounds like the end is coming near....please pray for him and his whole family.  I pray that it will be peaceful!

This evening I am going to the Coon Rapids Girls Hockey game.  They are in the state tournament and are seeded 4th.  They get to play in the Excell Rink in downtown St. Paul.  So help me rout them on!!!

Nothing else to report, Love and prayers, m

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